馃懡 threkk

I have the feeling that gemini or lagrange does not support CJK by default very well 馃槗

11 months ago 路 馃憤 justyb


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6 Replies

馃懡 threkk

@skyjake system fonts definitely look like a very complicated problem when supporting so many platforms >_< 路 11 months ago

馃懡 threkk

@justyb I see the license issue there. It is not trivial indeed. 路 11 months ago

馃懡 skyjake

I explained Lagrange's font situation in this post:


Tldr: Using system fonts means writing specialized code for every supported platform/desktop environment. I'd basically have to pick and choose which platforms will use system fonts and which don't, or adopt a GUI toolkit like GTK+ or Qt.

@justyb 路 11 months ago

馃懡 justyb

@threkk Oh yeah no doubt. I think it may be license issues. Lagrange comes with Roboto which is APL 2.0 but Noto Sans CJK is Adobe which I don't think anyone is allowed to redistribute.

Additionally, I'm not sure why Lagrange doesn't just use the fonts already installed on your system, but perhaps there's a good reason?

Or perhaps on start up Lagrange could grab the fonts you specify and basically come with NO fonts? I'm a big fan of smaller size and downloading what's needed post-facto. But I may have developed that opinion when 4K textures are pre-included in my games when I only do 1080p. 路 11 months ago

馃懡 threkk

@justyb indeed! It was just two clicks away, but I believe it would be more inclusive if at least a font supporting CJK was included by default. 路 11 months ago

馃懡 justyb

Depends. You do need to download a font to view CJK, but for me it was two clicks to eventually see your post. 路 11 months ago