๐Ÿ‘ฝ kodama

anyone here who has piercings? I dilligently clean mine twice a day and try not to touch them, yet they keep getting infected. anyone else have this problem?

1 week ago


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3 Replies

๐Ÿ‘ฝ digbat

you could also consider the metal - some can cause problems ยท 1 week ago

๐Ÿ‘ฝ aroah

Like what n2qfd said, be careful that you're not over-cleaning them. It's definitely difficult to find the right balance, but I can say that mine took several weeks before they stopped getting infected.

Also, I wouldn't recommend using soap to clean them, if you are. From what I've read, along with advice from my wife (who has many more piercings than I do), you essentially just want to use saltwater to flush them out. Don't take the piercings out; just try to irrigate them as best you can. I'd suggest using a little dropper or even a syringe to apply the water. If you're already doing that, they probably will just take time to heal. ยท 1 week ago

๐Ÿ‘ฝ n2qfd

They aren't fresh right? You've had them for a while? Mine were a little prone to infection early on and I did find that if I overdid it with the cleaning I might leave them a little prone to drying out and cracking and getting infection again. But it does seem like it eventually went away. ยท 1 week ago