Noswaith dda i bawb! Since languages are making a reappearance here on Station lately (Latin, toki pona), is anyone else doing Polyglot NaNoWriMo? The goal is, for each day in November, to write at least 200 words in a language(s) that are not your native tongue nor English.
6 months ago 路 馃憤 martin, cobradile94, eph
@elbo ne, ne necesas uzi malsamajn lingvojn... fakte, mi skribas en la kimra 膲iutage 路 5 months ago
Woah, what a challenge! Does it need to be a different language each day? 路 5 months ago
@cobradile94 maybe? I just saw it thru a fellow Welsh learner on insta of all places 路 5 months ago
Is there a website with more information? 路 6 months ago
no, but sounds neat 路 6 months ago