👽 five_over_four

ah, i've stalled in my writing. i'm stuck on a couple world-building necessities to move on, but i feel like i should just write and it'll probably turn out okay regardless of whether the ideas are *perfectly* planned out or not. blegh.

4 months ago


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2 Replies

👽 five_over_four

@danrl yeah, that's how i *usually* get stuff done: just start without worrying too much. my inner critic will usually build the quality into it over time. guess i shouldn't ruminate without actually writing. hm. · 4 months ago

👽 danrl

sometimes it helps me to keep a rough deadline (positive stress) and then cut the scope as the deadline approaches. often enough, a single paragraph evolves into a longer thought. for example http://danrl.com/breakfast was a small paragraph in what should have been a longer article. cutting down scope allowed me to explore just this one thought which in more depth which i wasn’t blocked on. and then the words just flowed out of the keyboard… *klickediklack*

disclaimer: no one expects anything from my writing, so most stuff never finishes nor gets published. ymmv, especially if you have scope commitments. hth. · 4 months ago