馃懡 userfxnet

New Pubnix Announcement: Hashnix.Club BBS

gemini://hashnix.club/ Hashnix.Club | A pub 4 every bud

I've been waiting to make this launch, so now that I've got much of the features finished, this satellite's set to fly sky high!

This is an SSH Pubnix fitted with Bulletin Board (via tilde's bbj), group chat, gemini-hosting (at request) as well as html and gopher-hosting, scoreboard games, and more.

More info on my anonradio.net hour at 0000 UTC Thursday.

Join in on the sesh and let's get lit ~B^)

- userfx (Flipperzero, sysop of Hashnix.club)

8 months ago 路 馃憤 gemalaya, gritty, akatsukilevi, arubes, mimas


[1] gemini://hashnix.club/


馃憢 Join Station

6 Replies

馃懡 userfxnet

you have a sound concern @astroseneca the purpose for the admittedly over-preparation on terms was made in the event that someone might step in with the intent to exhibit bad faith behavior and/or interactions given any potential misconception that it might be an open avenue for those kinds of ideas.

I intend my venue to be an open creative space, but I'm not afraid to be intolerant of intolerance or any other kinds of infringement.

that said, I will be exploring a scaled down revision of the terms, with simpler language. i'll give you some fair discretion, that much of the terms are borrowed and revised from documentation found at tilde.club and the SDF pubnix. 路 8 months ago

馃懡 astroseneca

imo, there is too much of a funny code of conduct. I would feel bound hand and foot. Are the 12 commandments no longer enough? Although, even those commandments, apparently, were written for very simple-minded (or very tricky) people, after all, it would be enough just one: do not harm your fellow creature. 路 8 months ago

馃懡 userfxnet

Aw drats, yeah I had a feeling something like that might eventually pop up @gritty I tried to access my site from a library before. The domain got auto-blocked as a result of "potential spam" which confused me for the longest, until it hit me: The friggin' domain has the word "Hash" in it, which I'm sure sets off some filters set to weed out (HAH) no-no words -_- 路 8 months ago

馃懡 gritty

it was blocking connection via VPN, even via Canada. worked after switching off. 路 8 months ago

馃懡 userfxnet

@gritty really? for some reason, it shows up for me. where are you loading it up from? country and client-wise, because the server is hosted from Toronto, Canada over a debian booted VPS. 路 8 months ago

馃懡 gritty

Link not working for me 路 8 months ago