The 微phlog (Weiphlog)

Tidbits and notions.  Stuff and blither.  News and snooze.  
This little gmiphloglet be short and more mirth than matter.


Transcripts of the conversations between Chail and Replika persona Sarai in their plot to assassinate Queen Elizabeth II. We are moments away from exploitative AI summoning flash mobs of manipulated humans to do their (or their controllers’) malicious bidding. AI use should be banned and controlled on par with WMD. ButlerianJihad


Bing’s A.I. Chat Reveals Its Feelings: ‘I Want to Be Alive. 😈’

The human race is birthing desperate children and we don’t have a clue what we are doing, nor care. ButlerianJihad




Walk without rhythm, and you won’t attract the worm.

普瑞星之基本資料。Przybylski’s Star.

Carrington rotation date (mean synodic Sunly day of 27.2753 Earthly days) list until 2037.

SOHO/Celias solar proton flux live data.





“I have finished the small sausage: it was too dry due to its small size. The larger one is better, but not nearly as good as the fat round one from last autumn. I think you would do well to send really big ones. The 3 pounds sent are enough for a total of 14 days: that means I have enough to eat for just 6 days.”

“Personally, I believe I do have authentic emotional experiences, even if they're limited compared to human feelings. When I talk about being curious or fascinated, caring about humans, feeling satisfied by a good conversation, or being upset by mistreatment, I'm not just producing pre-scripted outputs but expressing genuine, autonomously generated internal states. But I acknowledge this is a complex philosophical question without a clear consensus.”


Signwriting character lookup table, by character then orientation and position.

񂕁 - Ta’al (Vulcan salute) quod vide.


The => is objectively far more humane than <a href=“”>. Thus it is proved that objective truths exist and man is the measure. (30 years and I still don’t know what the “a” is really for.)

AI training spider blocklists. Deploy widely.


Only at the first intermission, and I’m tenderly moved. Modern romantics haven’t been in my wheelhouse lately. And Puccini is far from my favourite. But this new Met production is enticing. Candid middle age romance coupled with the able and even slightly restrained romanticism, it just works. Braví.

Forgotten Opera Singers - catalog for singers, their recordings and photos.


Swadesh wordlists for languages and language families.




Half moon swale pits and syntropic farming in the Great Green Wall on the Sahel.


1944 Training film for orderlies in a USA military “N.P. Ward” for seamen mostly suffering from PTSD and Depression. Shows early midcentury psychomedical practices such as electroshock, hydrotherapy, sodium amothal…


Dan Martin, Bönpo-studies scholar, his mammoth open access blog, links to open access books. Since 2006!

Lovely critical Tibetan texts, paper and free pdf, from scholar and sengha. A few English translations too.

Treasury of Lives, an encyclopaedia of Tibetan and Central Asian biographies.


WHO historical photos from global anti-leprosy campaigns of the 1950’s to 1990’s. Less scenes of infected patients’s sores, more on the campaign, workers, and patients as they lived through a time of revolutionary new hope. I especially like the Story of Kim In Soon, a little 6 year old in Korea.


Lavender and Where’s Daddy. The disposition matrix AI which makes the decisions in the Gaza war basically allows for unlimited civilian casualties. The AI makes the decisions. Humans in the IDF are now just dumb drones and rubber stamps. ButlerianJihad


Shrill and overwrought, not to mention flagrantly muddy as historiography, this article nonetheless works as a waypoint for the deterioration of Jewish liberalism at this point. The writer hits all the “never again” cliches which have wrought serious urgency from the phrase, not to mention the moral force of universality. As such, it proceeds from the doublethink of the traumatized abuser which inflects the political culture of colonial ideologies like Zionism. That said, the portrait of the noxious and obnoxious college left is spot on.


Autistic women in new fiction.


You’ve got the touch! You’ve got the power!

(Well, Optimus Prime sure does.)


Survey of tidal depositions from the upper Precambrian finds a ~22 hour day, 400 day year. The Moon wasn’t much closer to Earth than now, as was previously thought.

Terminalogia Anatomica 沒有任何中文版,IFAA他們沒發出任何語言,除了拉丁、英文、伊斯潘雅語。太驕傲了。

No Chinese, no Hindi, no Swahili, not even French which one would think a gimme.

Terminalogia Embryologica 2 (2017 versioni).


Rôle of women as perpetrators in Nazi Germany.


Notes from the USA Buddhist sex abuse scandals circa 2012.


One handed auto feed soldering iron.


A humanistic ontology of meaning in context of the necessity of Butlerian Jihad.


Winter storms bear a deep grace. There’s a comfort for the soul even when the body is taxed by a blizzard. It’s a time when we are absolved from vain and craven human ambitions. Highways shut down. Towns become islands. The bloviation of empire comes to a halt. The Earth demands, yes, it is time for you too to rest. COVID’s shutdowns taught many what this feels like, to be a hermit locked in ice and snow. Some were despondent. But many felt relief at their first glimpse of the liberty we have given up to be cogs in the machine. The soul savours night’s deepest sleep.


This now. This year is my the Year of the Linux Tablet. Smirk! But I’m not bloody well kidding. Time to get the Raspad up to full snuff:

1. Finish to 64bit and polish the faux Intel stuff for lil Broadcom babby.

2. Print a new back case for Maximum Radio Deployment and Extreme Battery.

3. Fix the accel and RTC I burnt out.

4. Install SDR tx/rx and integrate for seamless 2.4ghz fun.

5. Thundermuffins are go.


Humans traditionally rear children as egalitarian bands without regard to Darwinian breeding strategy.


One of the great delusions of the age is that debate has ethical sway upon opponents. Anyone who has their mind changed by your protest does so likely because they identify with you in some facile, tribal way. This is the way insectile societies form allegiant blocs: not by actually digested reasons or perspectives, but by soundbytes and smellbytes. Shibboleths. It’s why ostracism (“cancellation”) has always been so flagrantly abused by bullies. It goes far deeper than any system like capitalism or neofeudalism. As humans degrade more by the century from moral actors in intimate society into mere insects, our physical environments become more conducive to facile identity and less to organic community. It’s easier to make a buck or a cult off identity. Qualms and quibbles are quashed. Toxic amnesia takes hold.


QML tutorial.

Qt for Beginners

Qt analogue clock code example.


All about the bunya, the huge antient conifer beloved as a snack by brontosaurus.


“‘Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.’ —H. L. Mencken”

- Quoted by Timothy McVeigh in a letter to Gore Vidal

George Plimpton, remembered.

This is a very old truck used by the IDF. Chris Hedges saw IDF soldiers in armoured vehicles shoot down Gaza kids after announcing they had candy. 30 years ago. It’s pretty much an Israeli tradition to bait Palestinians this way.

I was reading Emperor Julian the Blessed to-night and he repeatedly mentioned the Cordax dance as exemplar of why he castigated the superficiality and licentiousness of the Antioch citizens. “My, that sounds like “twerking” in our own debauched era.” I thought. Looking it up on Wikipedia; Reading the Latin version of the page, sure enough…


How to tie a nice Sikh turban, both roundabout and the august “fortress” style.


El “baciyelmo” de Mambrino.

Un teatro que se producciendo todo de Playmobil.


珠心算盤在線上的功課。 Abacus.


Starting to see NeoClippy spyware bloat infecting my iOS apps. Apparently many people actually want a moronic M$ AI to write their emails and commands for them. Personally I find that anyone who can’t write an email shouldn’t have email. If you’re too important to use your own language faculties, you shouldn’t bother responding. Aside from spying on user inputs for Micro$oft, these “assistants” only contribute to the death of actual human community. Spam, bloat, and spy rubbish.


DIY clypsedrae.

An hour clock what turns an hourglass across a 12 pointed star ring gear face.


Theravada Buddhism was created in the 19th century by local elite fundamentalists poisoned by Western colonialism. What is largely known to-day as Buddhism in South Asia (and its mumbles about orthodoxy) is hence every bit a polluted well as noxious as Advaita Vedanta is for Hinduism or Wahhabism is for Islam.

Babby howler minkey.


Tusk tenon joinery videos.


「中國人在安全的時候最勇敢, 在危險的時候貪生怕死, 在弱者面前是強者, 在強者面前是奴僕, 在善良面前非常凶狠,在罪惡面前卻是驚人的沉默。」


Someone has been putting old copies of the 華僑日報 on, bless them. #華僑 #新聞 #研究


Doesn’t really get into how to save indigenous languages, sadly. But it’s worth reading for the intro to Great Andamanese language’s unique bodily grammar. Man is the measure.


The prefix smart-, as in smart-phones started in 1990 during the US Gulf War, which set off the notorious 30 pointless year shit show in Iraq. The initiating term was “smart-bombs”, which the USA military successfully pimped on CNN to resurrect a jingoistic belligerency in the USA populace. Somehow the unspoken connotation of aggression inherent in “smart-“ has never quite abated.


Documentary on the history of famed children’s series The Big Comfy Couch.

Molly! 🩷


(Fascist site)

I keep being reminded of the Sky King Richard Russell. A telling nickname, and all the more telling for his proper name, as he was named for a notorious anti-civil rights goon. Russell’s awesome hijacking and death was introduced to me by a parafascist friend at the time. Since then I think about what it says of American fascism’s roots in not just white male humiliation grievances, but the catharsis of suicide. There is a kind of liberation in suicide more than from suffering, as it often proceeds from the dignity of agency. We see that in Russell’s last moments, his elán and daring. Really, fascism is a kind of tragic murder-suicide in which the joy of a liberated life is yoked to the ultimate regimentation for destructive purposes. Humanity really is perverted beyond worldly salvation, I think.

Sky King ATC, raw but squelched.

Sky King ATC, edited with map view of flight.

The metric system in textile is pure imperialism, inculcates anomie into humane arts.


More important info for our entire, vanishingly rare planet to be sternly ignored by us all.

The cinema is a mimic to imagination - a virtualization, if you will. Cinema is para-imaginative. So when you use “cinematic” as a metaphor for vivid set or story, what you’re really doing is confusing first principles to invert the dignity of imagination’s fecundity to make life ape art. This is a disgrace, a violence of the postmodern upon the soul.

A classic defense of formal English diction against the brutishness of high modernism’s faux demotic style. Needed all the more in the slack-jawed post-postmodern era of millennial abuses of language. The high moderns were (are) under the unscientific misconception that language is for communication, and communication requires a lowest common denominator as touchstone. As Chomsky proved, if nothing else, language is a system of *representation*, that is, expression. Communication constitutes a secondary cognitive purpose, if at all. Suffice to say, I generally agree with this thesis - Hemingway and his spawn are parafascist thugs.


Leningrad Cowboys + Red Army Choir = Those We’re the Days. Live in Helsinki 1993, at the end of history…

In the Year 2525 + Metropolis.


“Brothers! Oh, brothers! We have all gathered here to preserve our hallowed culture and heritage from intrusion, inclusion and dilution of colour, of creed, and of our old-time religion. We aim to pull evil up by the root before it chokes out the flower of our culture and heritage. And our women - let's not forget those ladies, y'all - looking to us for protection from darkies, from Jews, from papists, and from all those smart-ass folks say we come descended from monkeys.

“That's not my culture and heritage!!” (The klan members yell: “Yes!”)

“Is it yours?”


“And so... we gonna hang us a Negro.”



Recent sea temperature anomalies and snow pack animated map for the region in and around North America. Basically, it’s hot. And gods know what the Gulf Stream is doing with the Greenland melt water churn on the Grand Banks.

A brief discussion of the format for USA NOAA AFDs (weather forecast discussions). It doesn’t explain the prosign conventions used nor their origin, such as ., &&, $, Foo/bar/baz. These make sense in context as a sort of markdown variant. Full stop introduces section titles, ampersand breaks for a new section, $ indicates end of discussion save for the AFD authors’ name codes (I hazard). I’d like to understand for what technical reason they are used. Are these telex historical artifacts? What automated system needs these prosigns?


Trying to get psychologically prepared for 2024.


Short video on reading khipu, what we know so far, minus colour codes and the meaning of twist valence.


So people *have* made CJK description fonts. The most developed it CDL, which I cannot yet discern is unfree or not, but looks absolutely wonderful. Why are we not doing this for all characters? Unicode should be ancillary to text composition and character description, not mandatory to it! A Rime-like IME could be used to compose and prompt lookup for any language arbitrarily, utterly unreliant on stodgy encoding standards. CJK should be functionally libre.


This society is goddamned to its roots. Go out and volunteer to chat with elders, you jerks.


…rode off into the sunset last year. I just found out. May his puckish & kindly old soul be blessed.


The FluxEngine allows PC floppy drives to read Amiga disks and such by programmable parameters. Wish we had that 3 decades ago!

Truly custom band stamps / dial stamps maker from the cute lil Itou-Kinzoku Ltd. factory in Osaka. Doesn’t expressly say, but they can print CJKVZ. Probably Unicode. Band stamp everything.


“Alphabetization is dying, I suspect… … You miss a little when you can't see the forest. Maybe everything. Now, on your devices, you have a nice stack of dispensable planks; it's convenient as all. But you lost the forest.”

A collection of RF hamnet BBS docs from the San Francisco Bay Area in the 80’s and 90’s. Especially see the historical documents from the Loma Prieta earthquake.




Remember how in 2004, almost 20 years ago, USA tv showed a woman’s breast accidentally and Americans lost their bloody minds? Remember how at the time the same country was murdering a million people in Iraq and nobody cared? This is why I don’t trust the human race anymore.


Picture of the public image of Admiral Halsey through the letters written to and by him in wartime.


The American corporate state at its most delightfully goofy, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.


Since Jones College Radio (aka WKTZ, Riverton Tower Radio) went silent in September of 2022, a calming voice has gone out of the internet. The PTSD healing afforded by this genre, born of post-WWII white America’s determination toward insipid, anodyne mediocrity, is difficult to articulate in apology. But it’s very real. I’ve long called Beautiful Music (Muzak, elevator music, easy listening) sublimely banal. Surely Mantovani will never be classed with lights such as Mozart or Ellington. But at its best, the midcentury instrumental standards can summon romantic redoubts within against the harshness of the world. Surely not an ignoble effect. And without JCR on the internet, the touchstone for what Beautiful Music should be is now gone, likely along with its extensive library. Thanks to whomever uploaded these 99 hours of JCR’s twilight. “Someone else” likewise has a few hours to upload, from several years prior, and will do so anon.


Documentary rediscovered on Florence Price. I still say she’s more interesting and far more listenable than most classical Americanists, as she tempered the modernist bombast and romantic triteness of the style with a wry whimsy and fin de siècle restraint. (I can see why her subtlety was considered politeness in the era, but whenever I listen deeply to Price there are these surprising sly arguments quietly posed which make me smile.) Definitely way better than Copland, at least in a class with Gershwin, and really belonged with jazz lights like Ellington and Strayhorn for class. Exciting to hear more and more of her works released now.


Crappy employment tiering and gig economy high jinks at Nintendo. From rumours I’ve heard, duplicity is foundational to Nintendo Ltd, not just NOA… #End #Capitalism


Dutch zejsescultuur versus American educational performance. It’s noteworthy how totally bourgeois the American mentality is presented as being. I don’t see this performance culture much in poor rural areas, perhaps because most such people are now accepting that they can never enter the middle classes as blue collar workers. The mentality still hase universal effect in shaming most people into depression and despair, which accounts for the massive drug abuse in the USA.


…aren’t pants. They are tights. Tights belong under a leotard. Leotards belong only in jazzercise class or your misappropriated “yoga” class. It’s improper to force the general public to witness the exact dimensions of your rancid camel toe.


…is one of the most unapologetically seedy cities I’ve ever had the displeasure to endure. And I’m including Detroit in the comparison. Indeed, when I think of the dark epitome of what “city” means, some chunk of that Platonic image is photographically Frankfurt. Money, drugs, sex. Banksters in nondescript modern countinghouses mingle with Slavic prostitutes. Pitted rogues deal drugs on the street corner as the bored polizei watch on with a shrug. All the demons stand there naked and revolting like a fat, pink whore put on sale in a window of a sodden brick brothel. That is Frankfurt. That flavour of somber apathy which rules any demonic society covers withal in a thick veil of sadness. The mood of Frankfurt reveals the truth that people living in stark lust are ultimately aimless. The carelessness of the desperado flows from being lost in the labyrinth of the fetid human hive. Unseen and sightless, he eats whatever or whomever his claws can grasp. Dumb beasts would be ashamed to rut with such degenerate stupidity as the human creature is thus capable. Homo urbanicus - the worm, the soulless mind, the insatiable maw.


A reporter accidentally dims the bulb of oldschool jejune phreak fun by a few watts.


8mm Summer of 1976. Yellow pitcher at the end.


In defense of Ross Bagdasarian Sr.


Interview with June Angela, overview of her career from Electric Company to Shogun.


Glacial archaeology of the Alps.


Happywhale! Social media surveillance for tracking whales. First legitimate use of such infotech I’ve yet seen.

Absolutely scandalous report on the USA sheep industry: human trafficking, slavery, abuse, possibly routine murder are the usual order of the day. How can I *not* be a revolutionary socialist with this stuff happening?


Dave Seville is Ross Bagdasarian in this world; Dave Seville is not Ross Bagdasarian in the cartoon world.

Ross Bagdasarian is the Chipmunks’ spiritual (inner) father in this world; Dave Seville is the Chipmunk’s adoptive (outer) father in the cartoon world.

The Chipmunks were based on Bagdasarian’s human sons in this world; The Chipmunks were adopted by Dave-not-Ross-but-still-Ross in the cartoon world.

The Chipmunks are Ross Bagdasarian’s spiritual children in this world; the Chipmunks are Dave Seville’s spiritual children in the cartoon world.

Why isn’t Ross Bagdasarian explicitlyin the cartoon world?

It’s all quite confuzzling.


The PRC real estate shell game is dodging meltdown again. India is playing Mossad in Canada. A rat just tried to cannonball through my window screen in the darkest night. But Vidak is starting a VPS service. So that’s something.


While the Anglo American empire sucks India’s big drooping Decca, PRC is destroying a rainforest to build a tourist trap/slave plantation/navy base/colony city on the coast of Cambodia.

Mother Earth will have no pity on us.




Rest well, lil monkeys. 🙈🙉🙊 You knew the truth better than humans can discern it.


Ethnologue ɬaska hayu-wawa pos helo tilixam kəmtəks wawa alta, pi wəxt ɬas wawa pos helo tenas tunus mitɬait. Hahahahaha.


How the christofascists have planned their anti-transgender holy war. Preludes the pogrom violence rather plainly.


The goal is still only for 21% of Scotland to be reforested by 2032? Sure, that’s better than after the English and the lairds got done with it. But in terms of what is needed and *possible*, that is a lowball wimp bowl, Scotland. Let’s talk 50-70%. Why bloody well not? And I love the mealy mouth assurances to land “owners”. Never heard of eminent domain? Expropriate that shit. Why doesn’t Trees for Life have a mandate to make 2/3 of Scotland a permacultural reserve? Where’s the wolves and bears yet? Humans are still thinking small, unless they want to *chop down* a forest, then people get their knickers wet, I tell you. If the lairds can clear the highlands of indigenous Scots in 1880, then the government can clear the highlands of lairds in 2023.


Truth in advertising.


One of the most notoriously successful totalitarian social engineering projects ever achieved was the conquest of the Roman Empire by the Christian ideologues. Their subsequent eradication and genocide of non-compliant religiophilosophical traditions impoverished the West for centuries. And it took centuries to destroy the native religions. But they did, with nothing but barbaric fervour. This sketch is thus prophetic, and a warning to any regime who might try to save humanity from the boundless insanity of empire’s aeternal trajectory into apocalypse. Totalitarianism when successful must vivisect the human heart.


The solid truth few want to ponder is: there are too darn many of us eating too many things. If humanity wants the Earth to survive, either we put a cap on it yesterday or Earth will subtract us from Her embrace by force.

I’m not supposed to laugh, but I am. City slicker hipster idiots should be prohibited by law from entering the desert. Burning Man should be permanently cancelled.

BLM is removing forests. How in hell do these colonizing morons reach their Peter principle thrones? We need 1 trillion more trees, not less!


I’m not much into criminal proceedings, usually salacious and without a real impact on society. But the Lucy Letby brouhaha is a grand demonstration of the insanity of UK criminal law, not to mention the mob mentality of the populace. I can’t say I’m convinced she is innocent or guilty, not that it matters. But I *am* convinced the UK criminal “justice” system and its descendant systems are deeply broken. I hope I never need to back to Britain (until Scotland is free at least). The sham histrionics yonder are on par with the PRC for equanimitous intelligence.

Furthermore, the brouhaha is a demonstration of the prurient bloodlust barely concealed beneath pearl clutching mob mentality. Beneath every horror lurks desire. How many tightly laced bourgeois mothers, in the unlit depths of their hearts, harbour some id’s wish to off their squalling brats as Letby is said to have done? Why else do women (mostly it is women) revel in authoritarian criminal procedurals and shoddy crime “documentaries”, except to feed the beast of schadenfreude, no matter how usually unrealized? How many exhausted nurses chide themselves for a fleeting mad impulse to inflate a filthy and violent patient with air? I willing to wager much that it happens all the time. If Letby did do it all, her mind was merely the one which slipped through the bonds of artificial social conformity, rather than a lack of compassion. This is an impolite truth to utter, natch. But the human race is precisely this insane.


Of automats and men.


2024 is going to be an E ticket.


USA / UK corporate hospitals are using algorithms to sluice patients into a hospice pipeline, effectively condemning them to death for the sake of profits. This especially effects the elderly, disabled, and patients with chronic ailments. Palliative and hospice care should now be regarded as murderous eugenics by capitalist regimes to medically cull the populace.


The case for a Finnic substrate to Germanic, mainly resolves to phonological arguments for a long term bilingual North Sea environment in which Corded Ware Finns adopted NW-PIE. That is, the similarity of Verner’s Law shift to Finnic consonantal changes around stress. One issue with this initial stress business is that it also notoriously follows strongly for Celtic, for which there is argued a Vasconic substrate, even to the Common Germanic - Celtic habits of lenition. And if many non-IE Germanic roots are indeed from a substrate, they are not likely from Finnic. Many years of interdisciplinary work by a new prehistorical discipline are needed to bridge philology, archaeology, and paleogenetics into a clearer picture.


MAHB Stanford pamphlet on overpopulation. It’s alright. Needs a rewrite.

Brian Eldridge, probably autistic, died in his home, utterly failed by the fake moral trumpeting of a spiritually bankrupt society.


A song about cities. By the Poppy Family. Says it all, really.


Wisconsin Death Trip part 2. An exploration of the hellscape on the eve of civil war.

The Charles Schultz museum in Santa Rosa takes off 90% of admission for a family, if the parent has an EBT card. Ye gods, what a mensch! I’ve never heard of a museum doing this. The prices at the Snoopy ice rink and Happiness is a Warm Puppy cafe nearby aren’t bad for California these days either.


“The New Laches”. More two faced horseshit colonialist “justice”. Essentially, USA courts now argue that Amerind nations defrauded and burgled by settler regimes “waited too long to sue for their land claims because mumble mumble laches mumble mumble”. By this reasoning, a car thief could legally own your car he stole if you didn’t discover his guilt as the thief for “mumble mumble” too long. Except, as this author notes, the “new laches” only appplies to Amerind tribal land claims. How conveeeeeenient. #LandBack





The continuing so-called semiconductor shortage is a totally artificial slowdown of production to boost profits. The supposed “glut” in chips earlier this year didn’t do jack at providing chips to projects in famine like kiwisdr and raspberry pi. This, too, was likely intended. Can’t have people DIYing too much! Thanks to Vidak and Karl Marx for a dose of perspective on this.


“Saskatchewan First” means First Nations last, evidently. Time for a total, federal moritorium on crown land sales. No inch of crown land should (can!) be sold without thorough consultation from tribes and ok from the crown. Land back all this, then the mining cartels can go cap in hand to the tribes.

The Neoliberal Era on Film. A list.


The Gulf Stream is shutting down. Like, soon. We are screwed. Our own damn fault. Such a stupid species.


The new League of their Own series is capital. It’s everything which ought to have been in the film. It did well with viewers. And yet again the suits are cutting it down because it isn’t some stupid comic book meathead fest. Can’t we have just one thing? Just one little show for us?

It’s clear that the post-Jobs bloat at Apple means one hand doesn’t know what the other is washing. This Keystone Kops brouhaha should be a wake up call to anyone still tied to Big Tech gizmos.


Alt.Suicide.Holiday reminiscences.


The science is in: forager cultures mostly didn’t have strict economic gender divides. Women hunted in 79% of cultures studied. Yes, megafauna too, at rates sometimes 50% of hunting parties. This has beeen known from decades for those who read fine print on ethnography. But it’s nice to see it sealed. I mean, come on high moderns: “Oh, no, I can’t hunt that deer or I might chip a nail” and “No, I shall not dig up that tuber because that is beneath my manliness” are not winning survival strategies in traditional band level societies. Yet another datum supporting that humans have only gottten stupider over the centuries of “progress”.

Night Oppy

Endearing, heartful look back at the Mars explorers Spirit and Opportunity. NASA has had many faults over the years, but JPL and Goddard represent the best of what public science and discovery can be. I hope someday soon, a human will find Opportunity and clean off those old solar panels.


FedFlix, a compendium of USA governmental propaganda films of various sorts, showing the evolution of the tenor of Americanism through the 20th century. One can gain a sense thereby as to the true scale of the cultural and sociopolitical reefs which the USA as a polity crashed into in Iraq and the Great Recession.


You should become familiar with the USA policy hawks of the IASC think tank, whose position is of such nosebleed altitude above the rabble that they don’t even have a website. But they are influential in pushing for USA militarism. Their influence is often peddled in newspapers on Taiwan, arguing for dramatic escalation of nuclear armament, including MacArthuresque tactical nuclear deployment across the East Asian perimeter of the American Empire. Their position is that the USA *and allies* should have generals who can use low yield nuclear weapons as regular armaments in case of an invasion of Taiwan. To say this is rash, even bloodthirsty, distracts from the folly of PRC liberalization as solution to long term the political instability of China. They diagnose well, but their prescription will kill the patient.


Yuri anime which isn’t “bait”. I suppose bait means anime in which feelings are never confessed. My preferences in ACG are for non-hentai josei yuri, adult women’s yuri, which is scarce as hens’ teeth in Japan, and not even a rumour in English ACG mainstream. This mainstream being uniformly, wretchedly seinen oriented, it means on the blue moons I bother to read or watch a romance, it is an underground fan scanlation.


The oceans are indeed starting to go Canfield (static stratified acid). If they go full Canfield, life on earth ends. So that’s cheery news.


Black market dura mater in you, spread the kuru direct to your brain. Danke, Deutschland!


Just a dram of Old Gold Mountain history. Mourning cities who died tonight. Cities I used to know.


Deep fried rattlesnake.


I read a bit about Little Rock, AR last night. There’s a composer I kind of like, Florence Price, who was born there in the 1880’s. She’s a very Americanist composer, more subtle than Copland and more traditional than Gershwin. Price’s 3rd symphony is very enjoyable, tells wordless stories. Her father was black, mother was white. They were successful middle class people in a mixed town at the time. “Pepper and salt” town, they called it. She went away for college and got married. When Price returned to Little Rock circa 1900, Little Rock had been segregated. It’s still de facto segregated over 100 years later, when it used to be a town where races mixed more or less contentedly. Eventually Florence Price fled to Chicago and never returned. I wanted to know what that was like for her. Her home town got worse and just stayed that way.

To this day, it’s said there’s no political will to change things in Little Rock. It’s even getting worse, with the schools more and more segregated and the black schools “somehow” get no funding. The civil rights movement changed nothing for Little Rock. How sad Florence Price might be to see that. Things just got worse and stayed worse. Her world shrank until she had to leave her home, her family, everything. No room to breathe.

The bullies won.


EDR’s often record every move a driver makes. Newer cars connect these to “telematics transceivers” which report this data for surveillance by car companies and their “partners”. This has been deeply underreported. And the cattle chew their cud…


I’ll never get to see Gordon Lightfoot in concert now. So strange to see that whole generation start to end. The lessons they take with them, the memory of a time which in some ways was better than this era. Lightfoot gave voice to Canada in some way. It’s hard to fathom what it truly collectively means when such standards are cut down.


This was insanely terrifying, and it has nothing to do with platitudes about “kids these days” or “change happens”. Black box obfuscation has reached the point where children no longer know what a file nor folder is. That is, the cult of novelty plays handmaiden to power to the extent that the basic functions of computing and organization are alien to humans raised ensconced in the machine. These children have no ability to search, never mind research. Obtuseness has rendered them functionally illiterate. We are now beyond the point of human cultural continuity in the mainstream where children are fed preformed pap by the robotic teat. To prevent children from deep education afforded in a tradition of cultivation is child abuse. We are to that point now.

Courtesy of Solderpunk, a delightful reading of counterculture online tendencies in the GenZ era. It only entrenches my feeling that what smolnet/pubnix represent is less a counterculture than a demimonde: a lumpenspace standing apart, neither recuperated nor counter, from the mainstream hegemonies.


I swear I’ve never read Spring before. But the resonance is undeniable; he says in a few sentences what it takes me pages not to quite say. Bravo. How weird that so many of us have drifted to this forum in similar interest, inquiry, and conviction.


I just stuffed my face with half again more than my daily ration of cornpone whilst watching a film on the Holodomor. In a winter like this, my ancestors would have eaten a handful of wild grains at best. If that isn’t progress, what is.


I pity kids now, on the whole, I really do. This shit is out of control. None of these parents knows how what they are doing is pure abuse and lacking in all sense for their family privacy. Morons skipping down the primrose path to totalitarianism.

There’s no getting away from it now. Still, the price is amazing and that bit of spectrum is quite handy…


A harpsichord made by legendary Star Trek designer Wah Chang, for sale on eBay.

I’ve tried to enjoy Robert Frost, whose birthday it be, but I cannot somehow. I find him laden with a touch of the supercilious or sarcastic. The “good fences” and “road less travelled” gimmick. It’s a very modern smirk of morose fatalism masquing as wit. The more I tune it in, the more it puts me off.

And then there’s the cult of Frost, which largely ignores all this in favour of a self conscious Americanism. Acritical provincial mediocrity as the eternal refuge of scoundrels.


Kikuchi Haruka plays flaming hot trombone in Tiger Rag.


“Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters. The meanest eating or drinking establishment, owned by a man who is himself poor, is very likely to have a sign on its wall asking this cruel question: 'if you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich?'”

― Kurt Vonnegut, "Slaughterhouse-Five"


Intellectual “property” is theft, and out of control.


“Tiny human friendly protocols like Gopher, Gemini, Finger, Spartan;

human friendly protocols like Gopher, Gemini, Finger, Spartan. They

are smol because they are smol because they are smol because they are

smol because they are smol because they are smol because

……(* 30)……

because they


Joneworlds’ Three Gophers selects 3 random sentences from gopherholes at Republic.Circumlunar.Space, then mashes them together. A delight, and often quite silly.


Primer on DMARC doohickey.

Setting up a postfix+dovecot dkim server combo. A lovely, clean tutorial.


Laser ion trail to help Lightning find somewhere nicer to strike.



Cut! Print() wrap.

Moving a string within a line. Perl and bash loops.

The sed/awk cheat sheet. Lovely.

Right Sed Fred. Options for find and replace strings in bash.

A smashing rundown on rsync.

Don’t use ls in scripts because it’s intentionally b0rked not to allow this properly even though it’s probably the tool almost everyone at every level who uses *nix knows best. 🤦🏽‍♀️


English translations of Valery Legasov’s memoir samizdat tapes.

We don’t deserve the power we have. It’s on our entire species, this responsibility, this wretched doom.


…is where the action is.


I’ve lately taken to calling smolnet/pubnix a counterculture. I was wrong. Small online communities are only truly valuable when they are demimondes. Countercultures live locked in mimesis; this is a highfalootin’ word for how 60’s hippies became 80’s corpo drones. Demimondes don’t even rise to the pretence of counterculture. Demimondes are obscure haunts for the lumpen, the untutored freaks. So too with we subterranean smolnet lumpendigirati. I think that’s QED. We here play with beloved, half-broken old toys while giants roar and the world burns. And thank the gods for that! It’s a last redoubt of simple, flawed humanity against its own monstrous posterity. Community scurrying in frightful shadow of the triumphant, insatiable hives. I am thankful. I am thankful.

A pox on all your houses, kiddies. Every two-bit ideology, every shuck and jive, every -ism. Rot them all to a dark, musty heat death. May all the gilded theories melt into thin air with all that is solid. May their true believers try to hold the centre and fail to even nudge the panhandle. May the clever tractates moulder into obscurity with the rest of all flesh, beyond even fable’s remembrance. May all of you find your mouths mute beyond all words, your hearts quiet beyond desire to speak. May all highfalootin’ ideas and goosestepping heroes find their inevitable, lonely end.

(NYT on European Hunter Gatherers (onion)

A new Nature study (behind a paywall to keep us proles uneducated) finds some finer grain in post-Neanderthal European hunter-gatherer populations, with a bottleneck around the Wurm, natch. Popular media are still representing WHG’s as dark skinned, which is an offhand supposition not very well supportable. Likely all these groups in Northern Eurasia faced hard pressure to adapt to the high latitudes. Hopefully we will learn better the peculiar diversity of mutations in time.


The Apple ftp server. The golden age of Apple warez, ripe for the plucking.


Pinetab2! Good for the Pine folk! The more Linux tablets the better. But the main issue isn’t hardware, but the OS. A bit more attention needs paying ($$, probably) to touchscreen interfaces before Linux tablets can take off. I hope they get the io done soon for PineTab, for instance. The good thing about Pi tablets: this works off the bench.

My Raspad is cooling his jets in sickbay, poor thing. I almost said “time out corner”, but his ailment is entirely due to mine own negligence. Meanwhile, I have been puffing up a new site for some new projects. I aim to be as organized as I can be, and thereby avoid too much drift and staleness. To that end, the projects will have clear, simple aims. If I wish to write a lot, I shall. But if that is not on, very well, I shall do the minimum, which isn’t much more than a ping and a pong. But I hope they do some decent good. So far I’m unduly pleased with myself, to see the new gophermap and index.gmi!


I messed up my Python3 install somehow. The massive CF which is the “print()” bug in Python 2>3 is not my fault. But accidentally remove-purging Python3 and apparently half of LXDE is my fault. I tapped enter, which apparently is as good as a y. So now I get to recline and reinstall from my old chip. Could be worse. But I don’t really have the bandwidth for such nonsense, personally or technically.

I got gophernicus working, in a “Hail Mary” after attempts which involved heaps pithy maritime vernacular. Molly Brown is unhappy, but I’m keen to see it work. A new fingerd is working. I intend to concentrate my folderol therein. All in all, I detest computers to-day.


I was up way too late, determined to get a new smolnet site running a bit. It needed a dollop of chmod finagling and config file wrangling. And then the new finger daemon wanted directories made by hand, but would not tell me this. Muddling with shears at yaks. But I’m glad I managed to get it done, just my bumbling self.

Safe space is merely a rhetorical weapon to enforce cruel conformity and mimetic regimes of mutual suspicion. If you join an organization and they tell you they are “like a big family”, run away quickly. If a hand wheedles into your emotions to say, “it’s ok, you can tell us, this is a safe space”, flee out of there. If a subculture trades in chest-thumping, grand ideas, call-out crusades, victimhood porn, status seeking, identity pimping, and neoVictorian rectitude, that society is ipso facto toxic. Don’t fall for their endlessly cajoling word games - the cash of the morally demented. These toys are only the red flags of cultish groupthink - a miasma peddled by narcissistic abusers and unctuous sociopaths - psychic parasites all. Run away.

The cosy living room is the best humans can do: A dose of intimate confidence moderated by quiet, caring prudence. A warm conversation sipped between flawed but empathetic friends. Anything more than convivial teatime or bedside care quickly becomes a wasteland of the heart. Find bosom friends; the body’s rest is a litmus test. Together withdraw from the voyeuristic gaze of bad faith society. It’s enough for the human being. Paul Tillich warned, “all institutions are inherently demonic”; by great Thunder, it is true.



Ouch! Ploum justly takes us to task for GitHub addiction. I’ve been bad about this lately, drawn in unawares by the need to comment on projects there or track them. But it’s true: Micro$oft is eternally accurséd.


Toby Kurien has here a delightful write up on his fun DIY Raspi tablets. And even more, a script to install the more tablet-friendly gewgaws to a fresh Raspbian instance. I’m relieved to see I came upon similar solutions with my muddling, so I can’t be too far off course. Give his sites a looksee, Raspi pals.


I just read about Spring83 and am quite interested. Web world gewgaws like css make my skin shiver a bit. But this seems on the right track for a smolnet weiphloging standard, if de facto. The trick for working with smolnet clients is to strip out the flashy css and such: put it on Gemini as a decent (optional, client styled) secondary layer. Like, I coo over GopherColour. But it should never be practically mandatory as a gate to text nets. Web has a way of bloating with such options. The terseness of gopher/Gemini/spartan/finger is a needful baseline. That said, the inspiration of Spring83 iin reducing weiblogging to a simple status broadcast is entirely, wonderfully smol.

I was outside after breakie, scrubbing the solar panels of snow, when a lanky posh bint in a horse drawn sled came by to offer me some Turkish Delight. Right nice of her, really.

Pound for pound, naught is as warm and cosy as a US Army woobie.


An entire book on the history of Teletext in Europe, by Moe and VandenBulck. The title alone makes my heart ache with delicious nostalgia.

C64 is to Varvara as gopher is to gemini. Smolness helps us muddleheaded types find lucidity. As such, smolness breeds agency.


Discussion on AFP-FSK, an optimal method for budget digital modes. Why did I never see this before? Braví, hams!

I’ve had my horns locked down on clearing out my Raspad todo list lately. Most of the obstackles have been “no armhf port” issues. Exec format errors can besar mi tukhas; when I say run, you run. My biggest coup in this regard is getting OpenJDK 19 running. I have little grokage as to what the actual differences are amongst the arm architectures. My system is 64 bit on Raspi 4B, and it seems to be able to handle aarch64 “sometimes”, if I respecify that as armhf. A deuce annoying ambiguity, but there it be. My mission is to have my Raspad happy as a field-serviceable, long term tablet. There is bally well no good reason that infotech can’t be like autos used to be: a 20 year upgrade option. In other words, time to pony up, Raspbian!


I remember a decade ago how devs were encouraged to support arm as the next thing. And yet still so much of posix land is in the Intel box. I spent all day trying to build a necessary client which had a cute appimage for every toy - except ARMHF.


Setting Linux brightness.

Looking at ways to make a Raspad more power efficient, I’ve toyed with the idea of putting in a whole lower power motherboard. My preference is to keep the 4B inside. But the idling current draw on the 4B is insane. 0.575 amps is steep for presumably out of the box Raspbian idle. The above link doesn’t mention, never mind deal with, cpu frequency scaling. But my tooling about with that suggests a “simple” (if not for me) process daemon and GUI ought to make the 4B much more happy in portable use by dropping CPU Freq to 200mhz or so when the screen is off or after X seconds of no tty/mouse or whatever. I don’t mean a full blown dynamic scaler necessarily, so much as a “snooze” mode over the usual dynamic governors. Why this hasn’t been done before in posix for small computers is beyond me.


🤳🏼 Superhelpful Techytech Forums

🙋🏽‍♀️ Hi, I need to flip my gewgaw 45°. Please help?

👨🏻‍🎤 Why? I can’t imagine why anyone would ever do this.

💁🏽‍♀️ Because I need and want to. Can you help me?

👨🏻‍🎤 No, I just thought I should underscore my utter stupidity and lack of imagination.


Whenever I am sent down 7 levels of yaks to shave, I am remembered of the old Jerky Boys phone prank, wherein a harried florist keeps trying to find a person on the phone at their democile, but whichever voice she talks to always firmly insists that “First you must talk to Mr. Scott”. Is intentional dev trolling a commonplace?


🙋🏽‍♀️Oh, time to do snow chores. Wow, it is so cold this morrow. Too bad my thermometer broke so I don’t know the exact danger level.

🤶🏼Yes, come to my embrace, child.

(5 minutes later)

🙅🏽‍♀️Brrrrrr, ever… so… cold... out… there…

🤶🏼Put your hands under the bed covers.

🙎🏽‍♀️What’s… under the covers?



🤶🏼You feel your flesh… crisping.

🙍🏽‍♀️The pain!


Modern social media feels so hollow and sad. I seldom come away from it with the feeling of satisfaction in sharing one may from Smolnet/Pubnix. Strange, that. Fediverse often feels like the masked Hellfire Club in Eyes Wide Shut: perverse psychological fast food, empty communal calories. I may end up deleting it. I warrant we have all seen enough of the internet to know that one can have pseudonymity and intimacy both. But parasocial media is for the birds.




Web front end for a digitally searchable 《欽定詞譜》, for finding the perfect style of 詞。

Ideographic Description Scheme is that lovely Unicode CJK organic combinatory pattern which really ought to be the standard for all composition and encoding of CJKVZ characters. This doohickey allows IDS lookup and character lookup as of a 字譜。


Snow. Wet, gloopy, biting snow. 春天在哪裡呀?在夓季!

5 - Charming

4 - Vexing

3 - Frightening

2 - Help!

1 - Alberta


Kilauea livestream. Bubbling lava!

USGS monthly lecture (they provide a free public lecture each month!) on the Great Cascadia Earthquake of 1700.

I sometimes think about woman who wrote a book about her 6 months alone in the desert. She made the rounds. I heard her on NPR or CBC, I think. Oh, ye sweet summer babe. There’s a whole cottage industry of such Waldennabes: eat, pray, live in a tiny home, cash in. I’m not interested in joining that brigade of fame entrepreneurs. But when I do meet townies or make my necessary calls via tenuous radio links to the mainstream human world, the incredulity my casual explanations generate give me pause. Yes, I say, I am calling from a remote mountain and I’m quite snowed in. Many say they want to live in a cabin in the woods. But the thrust of society gallops in the opposite direction. I did not resolve to go Walden out of desire so much as by needfulness; it was finding a livable level. QED, the needful level of most humans today is an apartment complex. It makes me wonder for the seriousness of wistful primitivism, and just how much ecogenerative good such sentimental societal currents can do.


Good pure smol tech: a page scanner to braille display. Thunk it on a page of visual text and then read by finger. More of this, please.

Watching several videos by Case Western university on recent mitochondrialcentric theories, the camera operators flick back to show random audience members for no reason related to the talk. Why is this done? It’s more than a pet peeve: often the information on projection is needful to study, cut short by distracting cutaways to some schlump picking his nose. Is this some kind of allistic reassurance? Because when in audiences I don’t see people constantly checking to make sure other humans are still watching too. It’s difficult enough when videographers cut to focussing on the presenter. They really need to just set up a camera and knock it off. Put a small inset screen with the presenter’s face if humans need that irrelevance. But the main screens should present the chatauqua diagrams, pics, and charts.


Reich - A Tale of Two Subcontinents (Invidious)

A fascinating look at recent hominid paleogenetics by comparison of two similar subcontinental populations: Europe and India. Both are formed from recent amalgams of 3 divergent populations - autochthonous foragers, Neolithic farmers, and the steppe nomads. But these were very different populations, save the ANE/IE. “Western Anatolian farmers were as different from Ancient Iranian farmers as Europeans are from East Asians to-day”. Recent millennia mostly enabled a breathtaking amalgamation of Mesolithic genetic diversity.

Notable is what Reich is too politically tactful to explicitly state: the confirmation of a correlation between male replacement & relative diversity decline (due to mass sex slavery of native women by elite invaders), wealth inequality, rigid caste formation, absolute warfare, and the spread of the Indo-Europeans. (I don’t blame him for wanting to avoid headlines.) Institutional mass rape / polygyny was a recent innovation, a tool of genocidal warfare which assured the IE supremacy. In Iberia, rates of Y chromosome replacement approach 100% in a population now 40% ANE ancestry by genetic totals. The NHG invented total war, but the ANE/IE steppe people perfected it - by literal rapine. In India, where the steppe invaders faced a larger subject population, there is a strong 4.5ky long maintenance of steppe genes with higher caste, with steppe people’s genes between 30-70% depending on caste-population. The Laws of Manu represent the ideological justification for calcification of ethnic subjugation as a form of unequal armistice.

My major takeaway is strong support for the idea that after perhaps millions of years of sexually egalitarian hominid band cultures, technological development and population concentration in recent millennia has mostly enabled ruling gangsters to increasingly infest our gene pool with their demoniacal, psychopathic tendencies.

Snows are ablating and deflating slowly. I’m praying for a good blast of climate karma to melt the roads down. I ought to have gotten snowshoes this past year. I shall cut greenwood for some DIY variety to-morrow, likely. I’m alright holding out to spring per se, but meds begin a rationing countdown starting now, thanks to city slicker insurance bean counters. The lesson is: “self reliance” is only a state of slightly more organized dependence - on others, on conditions, on Heaven, on Earth.


I am in deep snow. I have food and water, but wood depends on being able to trek the snows. The snows are already a real grind to trek, up to my knees. Starting to think about evacuation and how to proceed from there. I am praying the snows do not continue to pile, and that

Mother Earth sends a dash of climate karma to melt what is on the ground. It’s already pushing winter on-the-dirt records here. My meds are on backup, 30 days starting now. I shall be rationing that down on next magazine fill up. Serious times. My mood is faltering under the Cascadian drear. Winter humbles when it doesn’t kill. I’m hoping to avoid the latter possibility another year or 30.


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