My Transition from Gopher to Gemini
You know, I'd actually left this entry blank for so long now that I look at it I'm unsure what to put here. I didn't write this when the file date suggests.
However let's talk about why I bailed from gopher to gemini:
- Gopher does not text wrap. That is a fairly massive headach when trying to read content on a tablet.
- Gemini allows server side scripting. I don't currently do anything that needs scripts, but it's there for if my needs change.
- Easier to understand page generation. Especially when it comes to links gopher's 'here put this number at the start of the page. tab over to do the path. tab over again for this, then that, wait you got it wrong! Never really wrapped my head around it. With Gemini you just [=> path-to-thing thing name] on a new line and boom done.
None of this is to point at Gopher being a bad protocol. I just happen to like gemini and feel it better fits my needs.
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