< New here, a few questions


Not exactly what you asked for, but since you're sick of Firefox, I can recommend qutebrowser for websites such as this one. There's a bit of a learning curve with all the keybindings and commands, but once you get used to it it's incredibly pleasant to use, in my opinion.

I'm also new here and I'll be checking back because I'm also interested in some recommendations! I tried to use ZeroNet yesterday but whenever I came across a link that looked interesting, there weren't any peers available so I couldn't open it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

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~bastokian wrote:

That's an idea I've been toying with. I still "need" Firefox (specifically, the uMatrix addon) for surfing crappy websites, but I could browse websites I trust in an alternate browser. I hear qutebrowser doesn't phone home. I've also messed around with BadWolf a little, a very minimal browser that doesn't depend on Chromium or Mozilla and has buttons to toggle allowing JS and images, which is nice.

ZeroNet sounds interesting but I'm not sure how I feel about storing other people's website content on my PC. Sounds... potentially quite messy, legally speaking.