
Tarotfs is a program I wrote on 9front for the plan9 family of operating systems as part of my effort to use plan9 as an "occult research OS". It has been a great way of exploring the 9p protocol on which plan9 builds the paradigm "everything is a file" and also exploring the use of namespaces in the OS.

It's additionally been a useful tool for me to begin to learn more about tarot, as I started to get really sick of having to turn to the internet to look up definitions, so I added in support for being able to populate a definitions directory with information on the cards (keywords, definitions and in the future also images).

Finally it enables other programs to be built upon it, allowing them to use the spreads as an interstitial random number generation or essentially anything that the user can think of as part of their magical operation!


Source for tarotfs is available to be git cloned directly from

(web) https://git.sr.ht/~grimmware/tarotfs


The man page is below:

     TAROT(4)                                                 TAROT(4)

          tarot - tarot card filesystem

          tarot [ -DdkPh ] [ -p definitions ] [ -m mtpt ]

          Tarotfs presents a file system interface to generating and
          interacting with tarot spreads.  Tarotfs mounts itself at
          mtpt (default /mnt/tarot).  The -D flag enables 9P debug
          prints and -h displays the short list of options.

          Tarotfs also optionally supports displaying keywords and
          definitions when reading files for the drawn cards by pro-
          viding a definitions directory with the flag -p wherein the
          directory structure should follow the structure:
          Name/Suit/Card/ and contain the files keywords and
          description, both of which can be freeform text files. The
          keywords should ideally contain a short list of keywords to
          associate with both the upright and reversed configuration
          of each file. The Name/Suit/Card naming convention has the
          following restrictions:

          Name This can be any directory name, and isn't actually uti-
               lized (yet).  Currently tarotfs will just pick the
               first named pack inside the supplied definitions direc-

          Suit There must be definitions for all of
               Cups,Pentacles,Swords,Wands,Major the last of which
               must obviously be populated with the Major Arcana.

          Card For the minor arcana these will be the capitalised form
               of the card's name or number, for example
               Eight,Ace,King.  For the major arcana, it must be the
               full name of the card (with spaces) e.g.
               TheMagician,Strength,WheelofFortune.  This is a little
               more hairy, so read the code if you're unsure.

          The flags -dkP enable displaying the definitions, keywords
          and definition paths when reading the card files respec-
          tively when -p is supplied.

          The top level contains the file clone, and the directory
          card_library, the latter of which contains a tree of all the
          available cards.

          Reading or writing to the clone file creates a new numbered
          subdirectory for a new tarot spread and redirects the opera-
          tion to the ctl file at the top of the directory.

          Each "spread" directory contains the files: ctl, draw and

          The ctl file is used to control the various settings for the
          spread by writing commands and arguments to the file:

               Sets the names for the drawn cards in addition to their
               numbers.  Arguments are space separated.

               Toggles whether keywords are displayed when reading
               card files

               Toggles whether descriptions are displayed when reading
               card files

               Toggles whether definition paths are displayed when
               reading card files

          Reading the ctl file will return the spread number (matching
          the spread's directory) on the first line. If a deck defini-
          tion was supplied, it will also print on the following lines
          the attributes deckpath,keywords,description each followed
          by a space and then the path of the deck definition and the
          booleans for whether keywords and descriptions are enabled
          for the spread respectively.

          The following shows a simple example of cloning a new
          spread, setting the spread name and then drawing all the
          cards from the spread.

          † tarot
          † ls /mnt/tarot
          † cat /mnt/tarot/clone
          † cd /mnt/tarot/1
          † ls
          † echo spread past present future advice > ctl
          † for(i in `{seq 1 4}) cat draw
          Four of Pentacles
          Ⅱ: The High Priestess
          King of Wands
          Seven of Cups
          † ls
          † cat remaining
