
Thu 26 May 2022 07:25:50 AM EDT

...another quick little post on something I'm doing--and just like the last post, this is only a quick mention and not a deep dive into any of it.

I've been messing around with trying to IM in the terminal console, and have been having a blast doing so. As of right now I've been using Bitlbee on the backend to connect to a few different services, and then Weechat as my client. I'm loving this!

...in other news, I'm thinking about expanding the concept of using gemini for just plain ol' personal blogging, too. All this time I'm trying to spend in the console, anyway--plus I seem to be slightly more inspired to write within this space--I dunno; I think I'll be trying to figure out a better directory structure for things and how I can have my more personal stuff and the stuff I really want to publicize live symiotically and separately simultaneously...

I dunno... Anyway...

Thanks for reading;


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