Iceman's Blog 1.0 ♺

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2024 First Year

2024-03-31 21 Is Free software becoming commonplace or forgotten ?

2024-03-27 20 One slice of life in March

2024-03-23 19 We are so Ignorant

2024-03-20 P04 Lifeline Pilot

2024-03-17 18 A new Bullet Journal

2024-03-14 17 The End of the free web

2024-03-12 F03 LiveFromFrance S02E03

2024-03-09 16 Evolution of the Blog

2024-03-06 15 Tale of a Smartphone

2024-03-03 14 My (PC) Shop around the corner

2024-02-29 13 The Bedroom

2024-02-25 P03 C'est pour toi, mon meilleur ami (song)

2024-02-21 12 A Slice of life in February

2024-02-18 11 Dry Yearly

2024-02-15 F02 LiveFromFrance S02E02

2024-02-13 10 Stupid AI or Stupid programmers ?

2024-02-11 P02 A day of snow

2024-02-09 09 Recipe of Vegan Banh Mi

2024-02-06 08 Tale of the Spider

2024-02-03 07 Limit Air Travel ?

2024-01-30 A01 Don't buy autonomy, buy efficiency

2024-01-27 06 What memories for our grandchildren ?

2024-01-23 05 Life is a Theater

2024-01-20 P01 The Man in the cold

2024-01-17 04 Why keeping your data and website on a single server is not a good thing ?

2024-01-14 F01 LiveFromFrance S02E01

2024-01-09 03 Dogma for SimpleWeb

2024-01-05 02 Tale of the cart

2024-01-01 01 Let's go

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