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More seriously...
Seriously, just make sure you have some food in your stomach before smoking
anything. IMPORTANT: The larger the cigar you're smoking, the more nicotine
your body is going to absorb. Make sure to eat a suitably large meal for
larger cigars. For something small like a cigarillo, a snack might suffice,
but it's different for each person.
If you start to feel queazy, try drinking a sugary drink. It tends to calm
the stomach for some reason.
Hold the cigar in between your lips. A jet lighter is the best method, but a
normal lighter or even a match will work fine. Whatever your choice of
firey utensil, light it and tilt your cigar, still in your mouth, slightly
downwards. This is so that the fire can cover the entire end of the cigar.
Now hold the flame to the tip of the cigar. While the flame is there, drag
in and out with your breath somewhat quickly. This will help light the cigar
more effectively. You can quickly turn the cigar around to see if the entire
end of the cigar is red and alight.
Smoking a cigar is a bit of an art. Main idea: Smoke it not too fast, not
too slow, but just right. If the cigar tastes good (whatever that means for
the cigar), then you're probably smoking it right. The hard part is learning
how a cigar is supposed to taste. Generally, though, they're not supposed to
taste burnt. :)
The faster you smoke the cigar, the longer the draw, and the harder the
draw, the hotter the cigar will get. Your goal is to maintain the optimal
temperature while ensuring that the cigar is consumed evenly (i.e. the end
of the cigar does not become slanted). As a rule of thumb, if you feel the
side of the cigar near the end and it's hot enough to burn you in a second
or so, it is definitely burning too hot. Just be careful not to actually
burn yourself.
You want to make sure the entire end of the cigar is burning. When you draw,
you can quickly turn it around and see which parts are red. It's a good idea
to relight the sections that are not lit.
If the cigar is beginning to burn unevenly, rotate the cigar so that the
less burnt side is facing down. I have no idea why this works, but I can
tell you from experience that facing the longer side upwards will not help.
After smoking, it's recommended by doctors to brush your teeth and gums with
or without toothpaste so get off the excess nicotine and tobacco.
~~~ Enjoy and smoke responsibly ~~~