Aaron Swartz Day 2023; A Day Of Intimate Virtual Talks

"Abbie Hoffman on Yippie Tactics"

Acids, bases and pH

"Add USB To Your Electronics Projects! - The USB Protocol Explained"

Aditya Chaturvedi, "Open Data Access Bedrock of Sustainability"

Agostinho da Silva

Aileen Buckley, "Does every map need a north arrow and scale bar?"

Albert Camus, "Bread and Freedom"

Albert Camus, "Create Dangerously"

Albert Camus, "Defence of Intelligence"

Albert Camus, "The Fall"

Albert Camus, "The Plague"

Albert Camus

Al Jazeera, "Prominent Sudanese singer Shaden Gardood killed in crossfire"

Almeida Faria, "Os Passeios do Sonhador Solitário"

Alpine Linux

American Psychological Association, Kirsten Weir, "Nurtured by nature"

Ana F. Palma, "Plástico: Não conseguimos viver sem ele, mas assim também não dá. A relação controversa do mundo com este material numa exposição no MAAT"

Andrew Ayer, "It's Now Possible To Sign Arbitrary Data With Your SSH Keys"

Andrew Whatson, "Introduction to Pre-Scheme"

Andy Wingo, "Whippet: A new production embeddable garbage collector"

AngeTheGreat, "Simulating an F1 V12, cross-plane and flat-plane V8s, unequal length headers and more"

"An honest discussion with organic maps developers"

"Animal Sex Determination Is Weirder Than You Think"

Anne Lee Steele, "Mapping crises, communities and capitalism on OpenStreetMap: situating humanitarian mapping in the (open source) mapping supply chain"

Anonymous, "Desert"

António Jorge Ferreira Vaz, Débora Ferreira, Eduarda Luso, Sílvia Fernandes, "Manual BIOURB - Manual para a conservação e reabilitação da diversidade bioconstrutiva"

"A Queda de Ingonish"

Arabic Alphabet Pronunciation

Arabic (natural language)

"Arabic with Sam"

Arthur Miller, "Why I Wrote “The Crucible”"

Arun Isaac, "tissue—the minimalist git+plain text issue tracker"

"Assembly Language Programming with ARM – Full Tutorial for Beginners"

Associated Press, Jon Gambrell, "Analysis: At COP28, Sultan al-Jaber got what the UAE wanted. Others leave it wanting much more"


Beau of the Fifth Column, "Let's talk about toxic masculinity and men's movements...."

Beau of the Fifth Column

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, "Who Am I?"

Bill Lin, "Efficient Compilation of Process-Based Concurrent Programs without Run-Time Scheduling"

Bill Lin, "Software synthesis of process-based concurrent programs"

biointeractive, "Some Animals Are More Equal than Others: Keystone Species and Trophic Cascades"


Blaine Cook, "The Name Name Service"

Books list

Boris Budini, "Breaking away from Big Tech"


Boundo, "Fascism in Black Metal and How to Spot It"

Brian Wiles, "Memorize the ARABIC ALPHABET in 7 Minutes (Really)"

"Building the fastest Lua interpreter.. automatically!"

Buying ADVICE for microscopes -- Important features to consider

Carfree Cities

Carfree Movement

Cassie Jaye, "MEETING THE ENEMY A feminist comes to terms with the Men's Rights movement"


ChibiAkumas, "RISC-V Assembly Programming"


Chris Bray Photography, "Photography Made Easy"

Cinema list

"C Isn't A Programming Language Anymore"

"Como é que os animais se lavam?"

Computerphile, "AI Language Models & Transformers"

Computerphile, "Bing Chat Behaving Badly"

Computerphile, "ChatGPT with Rob Miles"

Computerphile, "Ch(e)at GPT?"

Computerphile, "GPT3: An Even Bigger Language Model"

Concatenative programming

Constraint Programming

Conversas sobre aves

Cooperative pulling

C (programming language)

Dahomey Amazons

David Gelernter, "Generative Communication in Linda"

David J. Gunkel, "Deconstruction"

David Justice, "Explorations into Decentralized Publishing"

Dennis Trautwein, "Decentralized Storage with IPFS"

Devan Carpenter, "Knocking Down the Nest"

"Dia da Terra: O Planeta está a ficar diferente"

Diego Ongaro, John Ousterhout, "In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm"

Distributed Hash Table

Distributed Systems Paradigms

Dmitry A. Zaitsev, "Paradigm of computations on the Petri nets"

"Don't Hex the Water"

Drew DeVault, "Introducing Helios Microkernel"

Drew DeVault, "Introducing Helios"

Driver61, "Adrian Newey's Formula 1 Design SECRETS"

Driver61, "The INSANE H16 Formula 1 Engine!"

driving 4 answers, "Spain is Living in 2050? Revolutionary 1 Stroke INNengine Analyzed"

Dr. Jin W. Sung, "3 Day Water Fast Alternative-----Lemon-Lime-Green Tea FAST🍋🫒"

Dr. Jin W. Sung, "3 DAY WATER FASTING---Clean the brain and reset your Energy."

Dr. Jin W. Sung, "3 Day Water FAST----Questions and Answers(Q&A)"

Duarte Mendes, Carla Maia, Eduardo Gonçalves, Paulo Alves, Duarte Silva, "nove passos"

Dylan Bennett, "A Simple Guide to Depth of Field"


Elixir (programming language)

Elma Akob, "The Dangers of Western Feminism to African Women"

emi, "Visual Programming: What Went Wrong and Is There Room For Improvement?"

Emma Huddleston, "Decomposers and Scavengers: Nature's Recyclers"

Engineering Explained, "Everything You Need To Know About Electric Car Tires"

Engineering Explained, "How Koenigsegg's Tiny Engine Makes 600 Horsepower - Only 3 Cylinders!"

Engineering Explained, "How Tiny Formula 1 Engines Make 1000 HP!"

Engineering Explained, "Mazda Brought Back The Rotary Engine!"

Engineering Explained, "Toyota Developed A Liquid Hydrogen Combustion Engine!"

Engineering Explained, "Why Are 2026 Formula 1 Engines Going To Lose So Much Power?"


Erlang (programming language)

"Ever wondered how a QR code works?"

"Explaining Meshuggah using KONNAKOL (Stengah)"

exurb1a, "Absurdism | How to Party at the End of Meaning ☄️"

exurb1a, "How Long is Now? | Introduction to Metaphysics 🪐"

exurb1a, "How the Frogs Cooked Dinner"

exurb1a, "How Will We Know When AI is Conscious?"

exurb1a, "We're the Last Humans Left"


exurb1a, "You (Probably) Don't Exist"

Fabien Sanglard, "The Polygons of Another World"

Fabrizio Genovese, Alex Gryzlov, Jelle Herold, Marco Perone, Erik Post, André Videla, "Computational Petri Nets: Adjunctions Considered Harmful"

Factor (programming language)

Fandabi Dozi, "Survival Rations Inspired by History - Just 3 a day will keep you full of energy!"

Farhad Manjoo, "I've Seen a Future Without Cars, and It's Amazing"

Fault Tolerance

Fernando Villas-Boas, "O direito de cada um aos seus erros"

"Flash Forward"


Forth (programming language)


Frank Vanbever, "Lua for the lazy C developer"

Fred Hebert, "Erlang's Tail Recursion is Not a Silver Bullet"

Friedemann Mattern, "Virtual Time and Global States of Distributed Systems"

FrOSCon 2013, Andy Bennett, "Building knodium.com with Scheme"

Fyodor Dostoevsky, "Notes from Underground"

Gala Camacho, Simona Ciocoiu, "None: a story of data that isn't there"

Geoffrey Hinton on the AI existential threat

Gerald Jay Sussman, "Programming is (should be) fun!"

Go (programming language)

"Greece: This was no accident"

"Greece train crash: at least 40 killed and dozens injured in collision"

Green Savers, "Verdade ou mito: 5 preconceitos esclarecidos sobre a reciclagem"

Greta Thunberg, "School strike for climate - save the world by changing the rules"

Hannah Witton, "Things I Wish I'd Known About Sex MUCH SOONER"

Hanya Yanagihara

Hein-Pieter van Braam, "Clear skies, no clouds in sight. Running a 14 person company on only free software."

Henry David Thoreau, "Walden"

Hisham Muhammad, "LuaRocks and the challenges of minimalism"

"How to Make Roman Concrete (4 Different Materials, 4 Different Strengths)"

"How To Make Roman Concrete"

Humberto Rodriguez Avila, Joeri De Koster, Wolfgang De Meuter, "Sparrow: A DSL for Coordinating Large Groups of Heterogeneous Actors"

I. Harvey Flack, "The Pre-History of Midwifery"

Ilya Zverev, "Broken Promises and Technical Difficulties"

Impact Theory, "This is Exactly How You Should NOT Raise Your Kids! | Neil deGrasse Tyson"

Ingmar Baumgart, Sebastian Mies, "S/Kademlia: A Practicable Approach Towards Secure Key-Based Routing"

Interaction nets

Interval Tree Clocks

Ion Stoica, Robert Morris, David Karger, M. Frans Kaashoek, Hari Balakrishnan, "Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications"


Jacob Geller, "Art in the Pre-Apocalypse"

Jacob Geller, "How Can We Bear to Throw Anything Away?"

Jakub Jankiewicz, "LIPS Scheme"

Jerome Klapka Jerome, "The Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow"

Jerome Klapka Jerome

Jochen Topf, "Modding the OSM Data Model"

Joe Fikifiki, "Songs that Have Disturbed Me: Frankie Teardrop"

Joe Fikifiki, "When your Heroes are Villains..."

Joel Chan, "Discourse Graphs for Augmented Knowledge Synthesis: What and Why"

Johan Herland, "The Git Parable"

John Nelson, "Put a north arrow on it?"

Johnny Harris, "How The U.S. Ruined Bread"

John Romer, "Ancient Lives"

Jonathan McHugh, "Literate Storytelling: Interpreting Syntaxes for Explorers"

Jon Häggblad, "The Nym Mixnet"

Jörgen Brandt, "Beyond state machines: services as petri nets"

Jörgen Brandt, Wolfgang Reisig, "Modeling Erlang Processes as Petri Nets"

José Saramago, "Ensaio sobre a Cegueira"

Kim Hill, A. Magdalena Hurtado, "Ache Life History: The Ecology and Demography of a Foraging People"

"Konnakol Duet: V Shivapriya & BR Somashekar Jois"

Konrad Bächler, "DNS for I2P: a Distributed Network without Central Authority"

Language Simp, "Arabic Alphabet Explained by an American"

Large Scale Distributed Systems

Lawrence Lessig, "Prosecutor as bully"

leafo, "How itch.io uses Coroutines for non-blocking IO"

Leslie Lamport, "Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System"

Leslie Lamport


Logical clock

Logical Programming

LOW-TECH MAGAZINE, Kris De Decker, "How to Build a Low-tech Solar Panel?"

LOW-TECH MAGAZINE, Kris De Decker, Marie Verdeil, "How to Build a Practical Household Bike Generator"

LOW-TECH MAGAZINE, Kris De Decker, "Too Much Combustion, Too Little Fire"

Lua (programming language)

Lucidity, "I Will Fucking Haymaker You If You Mention Agile Again"

Ludovic Courtès, "Where does that code come from?"

Luke Smith, "The REAL Red-Pill on Free Will!"

Marian V. Iordache & Panos J. Antsaklis, "Petri nets and programming: A survey"

Maria Sequeira Mendes, "Pânico satânico -- Notas sobre As Bruxas de Salém"

Marie Dubremetz, "Consulting for digital humanists"

Mark Graham, Martin Dittus, "Geographies of Digital Exclusion: Data and Inequality"

Martin Karlsson, "Visual graph tools for weaving together data to coordinate decentralized research"

Master's Thesis

Matt Amys, "Why Formula 1 Cars Take Hours To Start"

Matthew Butterick, "Camera obscura: the case against AI in classrooms"

Matthew Butterick, "Power, Corruption & Lies (or how I became a typographer, pt. 1)"

Matthieu Gautier, "Jubako, a new generic container format"

Matt Parker, "Talks at Google: The Greatest Maths Mistakes"

Matt Taibbi, "Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex: The Top 50 Organizations to Know"

Max Leonard Inden & Dennis Trautwein, "Hole punching in the wild"

Max Leonard Inden, "Peer-to-peer Browser Connectivity"

Michael J. Freedman, Eric Freudenthal, David Mazières, "Democratizing content publication with Coral"

Michael Langford, Efthimia Bilissi, "Langford's Advanced Photography: The guide for aspiring photographers"

Munmun Dhalaria, "No Water No Village"

National Geographic, "Forever Wild: Live Free or Die"

Nelson Vides, "The Actor Model as a Load Testing Framework"

Nikki van der Gaag, "Why feminism needs men - and men need feminism"

Nils M Holm

NL Times, "Dutch residents will have to ditch their cars for sustainable transport system"

Noel De Martin, "From Zero to Hero with Solid"

nothing interesting wiki: Meta

nothing interesting wiki: plan/ideas

nothing interesting wiki

"Not Related!"

Nuno Cardoso, "Fuga para a frente"

Nuno Cardoso, Mónica Guerreiro, "Deglutir, dialogar, transformar"

Olly Richards, "How U.S. Military Linguists Learn Languages Fast"


Open Data in Portugal

Paulo Rangel, "O processo, o processo judicial"

Paulo Sérgio Almeida, Carlos Baquero, Victor Fonte, "Interval Tree Clocks"

PBS Space Time, "Why Did Quantum Entanglement Win the Nobel Prize in Physics?"

Petar Maymounkov, David Mazières, "Kademlia: A Peer-to-peer Information System Based on the XOR Metric"

Petri nets

Philippe Delgleize, Joëlle Heuze, Lécio Leal, Diana Miranda, "Emilia Bellon, Jean-pierre Husquinet -- Devastação/Ravages"


Pjotr Prins, "Zig and Guile for fast code and a REPL"

Planet Doc, "The Men of Fifth World"


Project Kamp, "Everything we built living off the grid"

PÚBLICO, Vítor Barroso Afonso, "O engano do carro eléctrico explicado à minha avó"

Public transport

Publishers Weekly, Rachel Deahl, "Is Publishing Too Top-Heavy?"

"QR Code development story"


Raphael Treza, "Borneo Death Blow"

Raw Lit, Melissa Flores Anderson, "By the Numbers"

Raw Lit, Sumitra Singam, "Heads I Will, Tails I Won’t"

Remko Tronçon, "Exploring WebAssembly with Forth (and vice versa)"

Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, "Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces"

Richard P. Brent, Paul Zimmermann, "Modern Computer Arithmetic"


Roman concrete

Rosa Lobato de Faria, "O Pranto de Lúcifer"

Rüdiger Klaehn, "A new approach to IPFS pinning and caching"


Ryan Hediger, "Animal suicide and 'anthropodenial'"

Sabine Hossenfelder, "Do your own research. But do it right."

Sabine Hossenfelder, "Is being trans a social fad among teenagers?"

Sabrine Hossenfelder, "Greenwashing: How to spot and avoid it"

Saioa Legarrea Imizcoz, María Ángeles Marcos García, "Fewer insects hitting your car windscreen? Here’s why"

Sasa Juric, "The Soul of Erlang and Elixir"

SBC server

Scheme (programming language)

Seirdy, "Nuanced views"

Self Sufficient Me, "6 TOP Crops to Grow at Home to Save You From STARVING"

setenta e quatro, Guilherme Trindade, "A violência pode ser justificada?"


Simplify Gardening, "I Grew 450 lbs Of Potatoes, The Lazy Way. Never Dig Again!"

"Size Optimization Tricks"

SLICE, "Becoming woman in Zanskar"

SLICE, "Himalaya, Land of Women"

Sophie from Mars, "Sophie, what happened to your face?"



"Speculation in JavaScriptCore"

Statebox, "The Mathematical Specification of the Statebox Language"

State of the Map 2022

Static Scheme

Stéphane Bortzmeyer, "Implementation of the Drink server: programming details"

Steven Goodwin, "I have an idea: build a language that can run backwards"


ThatGeoGuy, "1M metres later - Replacing my car with an e-bike"

The Conversation, Alessandra Casarico, "Nobel prize in economics: Claudia Goldin’s work is a goldmine for understanding the gender pay gap and women’s empowerment"

The Conversation, Alexandra Gibson, Alex Beattie, "Something felt ‘off’ – how AI messed with our human research, and what we learned"

The Conversation, Anna Molas, "Spain is the egg donation capital of Europe – here’s what it’s like to be a donor"

The Conversation, Anna Storm, Thomas Keating, "100,000 years and counting: how do we tell future generations about highly radioactive nuclear waste repositories?"

The Conversation, Ariane Millot, Steve Pye, "France used 10% less electricity last winter – three valuable lessons in fighting climate change"

The Conversation, Audrey Mat, "Biological clocks: how does our body know that time goes by?"

The Conversation, Brent C. Ruby, "Yellow jerseys of the fireline: A day fighting wildfires can require as much endurance as riding the Tour de France"

The Conversation, Christian Moro, Charlotte Phelps, "Why do I need to get up during the night to wee? Is this normal?"

The Conversation, Christos Ntanos, "Setting the stage for a better understanding of complex brain disorders"

The Conversation, Danica Jenkins, "How Russian history and the concept of ‘smuta’ (turmoil) sheds light on Putin and Prigozhin – and the dangers of dissent"

The Conversation, Daniel Billett, "This solar cycle, the sun’s activity is more powerful and surprising than predicted"

The Conversation, Dave Sayers, "Protecting endangered languages feels right, but does it really help people?"

The Conversation, Duncan Ivison, "Jürgen Habermas is a major public intellectual. What are his key ideas?"

The Conversation, Ester Lázaro Lázaro, "How extraterrestrial tales of aliens gain traction"

The Conversation, Esther Kettel, "Europe’s wild bird species are on the brink – but there are ways to bring them back"

The Conversation, Evodius Waziri Rutta, "Conflict between humans and wildlife in Tanzania is being poorly managed – and climate change is making things worse"

The Conversation, Gary Osmond, Rebecca Olive, "Olympic swimming in the Seine highlights efforts to clean up city rivers worldwide"

The Conversation, James Dyke, Robert Watson, Wolfgang Knorr, "Climate scientists: concept of net zero is a dangerous trap"

The Conversation, Jan Bednorz, "Digital nomads: a benefit or burden for local communities?"

The Conversation, Janneke Blijlevens, Angel Zhong, Lauren Gurrieri, "#GirlMaths: a seemingly innocent and fun way to justify expenses that can have serious financial consequences"

The Conversation, Jannsen Santana, "Paris Olympics: with 365 days to go, will this mega-event clinch a sustainability gold medal?"

The Conversation, Javier Marín Serrano, Miguel Ángel Pérez-Sánchez, Olena Vasylets, "The case for continuing to write by hand"

The Conversation, Jennifer McCann, Karleen Gribble, Naomi Hull, "Why is toddler milk so popular? Follow the money"

The Conversation, Jennifer Wood, "Why an EU document mentioning the ‘Islas Malvinas/Falkland Islands’ is a big deal"

The Conversation, Jenny Graves, "Did sex drive mammal evolution? How one species can become two"

The Conversation, Jessica Grisham, Keong Yap, Melissa Norberg, "Why do people with hoarding disorder hoard, and how can we help?"

The Conversation, Jorge Heine, "Prospect of Kenyan troops in Haiti has sparked concerns – but may also prompt soul-searching across the Americas over lack of action"

The Conversation, Katherine Richardson, Xuemei Bai, "What are ‘planetary boundaries’ and why should we care?"

The Conversation, Kirsty Ross, "How can I stop overthinking everything? A clinical psychologist offers solutions"

The Conversation, Laurie Mintz, "The orgasm gap and why women climax less than men"

The Conversation, Lewis King, Ivan Savin, "Idea of green growth losing traction among climate policy researchers, survey of nearly 800 academics reveals"

The Conversation, Lizzie Seal, "Lucy Letby: it is not being ‘beige’, ‘average’ or ‘normal’ that makes her crimes so hard to understand"

The Conversation, Lluís Montoliu, "Scientists find the last remnants of the human genome that were missing in the Y chromosome"

The Conversation, Manuel García Ortiz, Luis Arroyo Jiménez, "Why we need to set limits on sperm donation"

The Conversation, Mariel Borowitz, "India’s Chandrayaan-3 landed on the south pole of the Moon − a space policy expert explains what this means for India and the global race to the Moon"

The Conversation, Mårten Schultz, "Understanding why burning the Qur’an isn’t illegal in Sweden means looking at the country’s long-held commitment to freedom of expression"

The Conversation, Matthew Gilmour, "The sniff test is not reliable for food safety – here’s why"

The Conversation, Melissa Starling, "An expert’s top 5 reasons why dogs can be considered exceptional animals"

The Conversation, Mike Emslie, Daniela Ceccarelli, David Wachenfeld, "Is the Great Barrier Reef reviving – or dying? Here’s what’s happening beyond the headlines"

The Conversation, Mónica Rodríguez Enríquez, "Should we give our children an allowance?"

The Conversation, Morten Fibieger Byskov, Jeroen Hopster, Júlia Isern Bennassar, "A new climate law in the Balearic Islands will protect the wellbeing of present and future generations - if such thing can be defined"

The Conversation, Nancy E. Landrum, "Sustainability schemes deployed by business most often ineffective, research reveals"

The Conversation, Nicholas R. Longrich, "Mass extinctions made life on Earth more diverse – and might again"

The Conversation, Nicole Boivin, Barbara Huber, "What would an ancient Egyptian corpse have smelled like? Pine, balsam and bitumen – if you were nobility"

The Conversation, Noam Peleg, "Climate change threatens the rights of children. The UN just outlined the obligations states have to protect them"

The Conversation, Panos Athanasopoulos, "Why bilinguals may have a memory advantage – new research"

The Conversation, Pär Halje, "How consciousness may rely on brain cells acting collectively – new psychedelics research on rats"

The Conversation, Patrick D. Nunn, Roselyn Kumar, "Pacific Islanders have long drawn wisdom from the Earth, the sky and the waves. Research shows the science is behind them"

The Conversation, Patryk Makowski, "Remote work marks the path to a greener future"

The Conversation, Philip Donkersley, "Asian hornets make UK their latest target – here’s why they’re such a threat to European bees"

The Conversation, Pierre Bréchon, "Are Europeans really democrats?"

The Conversation, Primrose Freestone, "I’m a microbiologist and here’s what (and where) I never eat"

The Conversation, Rebecca Ellis, Jamie Bernthal-Hooker, "Is Hercule Poirot autistic? Here are seven clues that he might be"

The Conversation, Ricardo Correia, "The frantic pace of modern life is damaging our sense of time, but nature can help us heal – new study"

The Conversation, Richard Ballard, "Johannesburg fire disaster: why eradicating hijacked buildings is not the answer"

The Conversation, Rónán Kennedy, "Trees, rivers and mountains are gaining legal status – but it’s not been a quick fix for environmental problems"

The Conversation, Ryan W. Allen, Stephanie Cleland, "Wildfire smoke is an increasing threat to Canadians’ health"

The Conversation, Samantha Mynhardt, "Golden mole that swims through sand is rediscovered in South Africa after 86 years"

The Conversation, Samuel Cornell, Amy Peden, "Trampling plants, damaging rock art, risking your life: taking selfies in nature has a cost"

The Conversation, Sarah McLean, Enzo Palombo, "Is it okay to kiss your pet? The risk of animal-borne diseases is small, but real"

The Conversation, Sarah Parsons, "How gender inequality is hindering Japan’s economic growth"

The Conversation, Stephen Ashworth, "Summer holiday science: three experiments to try with kids at home"

The Conversation, Storm William D Gourley, Drew Higgins, "How zinc-ion batteries may solve our renewable energy storage problem"

The Conversation, Thomas White, "Organisms without brains can learn, too – so what does it mean to be a thinking creature?"

The Conversation, Vrinda Narain, "The Taliban’s war on women in Afghanistan must be formally recognized as gender apartheid"

The Conversation, Yasar Bukan, "As Erdoğan hints at retirement, how has his rule shaped Turkey?"

The New York Times, Juliette Guéron-Gabrielle, "Paris Becomes the First European Capital to Ban Rented Electric Scooters"

The Quarterless Review, Chloe Watlington, "Double Parked"


The Wall Street Journal, "How Shein Sells Clothes So Cheaply | WSJ The Economics Of"

The Wildlife Trusts, "UK government allows ‘emergency’ use of banned bee-harming pesticide just days after EU tightens protections"

Thoughts on choosing a (DSLR) camera for the microscope

Thunderf00t, "Can a new fuel solve climate change?"

Tiago Cavaco, "A espiral chiba"

Tim Urban, "The Story of Us"

Tobias Augspurger, "Open Source in Environmental Sustainability"

toki pona (natural language)

Tom Hacohen, "Starting an Open Source Startup"

Tom Preston-Werner, "The Git Parable"

"To Save C, We Must Save ABI"

Townsends, "Food That Time Forgot: Ships Biscuits"

Townsends, "Sailor Rations in the 18th Century - Burgoo"

Townsends, "The Most Important Job In The World - The Baker"

Townsends, "The Poor Man's Bread"


Transitive reduction

TriEssence Martial Arts, "How Taichi approaches combat?"

TriEssense Martial Arts, "Is muscle training bad for Internal progression? An empirical case study"

"Unveiling Masculinity: Women Talk All Things Men, From Their Style to Their Sexuality"

Vanity Fair, Graydon Carter, "Steel Traps and Short Fingers"

Vergílio Ferreira, "Aparição"

"Vidas Proibidas - Ballet Rose"


"Visiting The World's Most Dangerous Country 🇦🇫 ( Afghanistan 2022 )"

Vítor Guerreiro, "Filosofia da Música: Uma Antologia"

"V-USB on an ATmega328! - V-USB and HID Explained"


"We FINALLY Figured Out The Secret of Roman Concrete"

What I've Learned, "DoubleSpeak, How to Lie without Lying"

What I've Learned, "How Fasting changes Testosterone (Fasting Science)"

What I've Learned, "Willpower is for Losers"

"Why are we talking so much about privacy?"

WILDER, Carine Azevedo, "Como ter um jardim resiliente? Opte por um xerojardim"

WILDER, Gonçalo Elias, "Aves do mês: o que ver em Setembro"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Abelhas do tempo dos faraós encontradas mumificadas na Costa Sudoeste"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Acordo que regula comércio mundial deixa de fora 904 espécies em risco, alertam cientistas"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Associações de ambiente enviam queixa a Bruxelas contestando o abate de pombo-da-madeira"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Bastidores: Patrícia estudou a única espécie de cágado de São Tomé e Príncipe"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Bruxelas insta autoridades locais a recolherem dados para rever conservação do lobo na Europa"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Cinco espectáculos da natureza para ver no final do Verão"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Cobras e víboras: Saiba o que estão a fazer agora e como distinguir espécies perigosas das inofensivas"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Coligação preocupada com potencial vontade europeia de diminuir protecção ao lobo"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Crias dos dois únicos casais de abutre-preto do Douro Internacional já saíram do ninho"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Davina Falcão criou o Cobras de Portugal porque estava “demasiado frustrada com a maneira como as pessoas lidavam com as serpentes”"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Esponjas marinhas revelam variedade de peixes que vivem no Atlântico norte e no Ártico"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Europa tem 2.138 espécies de abelhas selvagens, revela nova lista"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Joaquim Tapisso, de olho nos musaranhos, os mamíferos mais primitivos que existem"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Lixo que águias-pesqueiras usam nos seus ninhos põe em perigo a sua sobrevivência"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Mexilhões de água doce portugueses estão em perigo crítico"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Palombar defende inflexibilidade na salvaguarda do lobo na Europa"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Peixes grandes estão a ficar menores e peixes pequenos estão a substituí-los"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Peritos alertam que há mais de 3500 espécies exóticas invasoras nocivas no mundo"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Portugal assina formalmente Tratado do Alto Mar"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Prémio Bird Photographer of the Year vai para imagem de falcão-peregrino a atacar pelicano"

WILDER, Helena Geraldes, "Ratinho-ruivo aprende a identificar novos alimentos através do hálito de outros ratinhos"

WILDER, Inês Sequeira, "Ajude a encontrar uma das plantas mais raras de Portugal"

WILDER, Inês Sequeira, "É só uma questão de tempo para a formiga-de-fogo chegar a Portugal, mas há medidas a tomar"

WILDER, Jéssica Teixeira, "Madeira: corveta Afonso Cerqueira, o refúgio submerso"

WILDER, Paulo Catry, "Crónicas naturais: salta-pocinhas"

WILDER, Pedro Anastácio, "Lagostim-sinal: Um invasor que chegou a Portugal pelo Norte"

WILDER, Thomas White, "Organismos sem cérebro também podem aprender. Então, o que significa ser uma criatura pensadora?"

William Byrd, "Self-conscious Reflexive Interpreters"

Wolfgang Reisig, "Understanding Petri Nets"

Yarmo Mackenbach, "Keyoxide: verifying online identity with cryptography"

"You Can Learn RISC-V Assembly in 10 Minutes | Getting Started RISC-V Assembly on Linux Tutorial"

Zhenhua Yu, Yuanli Cai, Haiping Xu, "Petri nets semantics of π-calculus"


ZXing (C++)

1 Minuto pela Terra

