The r2pipe api was initially designed for NodeJS in order to support reusing the web's r2.js API from the commandline. The r2pipe module permits interacting with r2 instances in different methods:
- spawn pipes (r2 -0)
- http queries (cloud friendly)
- tcp socket (r2 -c)
pipe spawn async http tcp rap json nodejs x x x x x - x python x x - x x x x swift x x x x - - x dotnet x x x x - - - haskell x x - x - - x java - x - x - - - golang x x - - - - x ruby x x - - - - x rust x x - - - - x vala - x x - - - - erlang x x - - - - - newlisp x - - - - - - dlang x - - - - - x perl x - - - - - -
Examples ========
$ pip install r2pipe
import r2pipe r2 ="/bin/ls") r2.cmd('aa') print(r2.cmd("afl")) print(r2.cmdj("aflj")) # evaluates JSONs and returns an object
Use this command to install the r2pipe bindings
$ npm install r2pipe
Here's a sample hello world
const r2pipe = require('r2pipe');'/bin/ls', (err, res) => { if (err) { throw err; } r2.cmd ('af @ entry0', function (o) { r2.cmd ("pdf @ entry0", function (o) { console.log (o); r.quit () }); }); });
Checkout the GIT repository for more examples and details.
Go --
$ r2pm -i r2pipe-go[1]
package main import ( "fmt" "" )
func main() { r2p, err := r2pipe.NewPipe("/bin/ls") if err != nil { panic(err) } defer r2p.Close() buf1, err := r2p.Cmd("?E Hello World") if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(buf1) }
Rust ----
$ cat Cargo.toml ... [dependencies] r2pipe = "*"
#[macro_use] extern crate r2pipe; use r2pipe::R2Pipe; fn main() { let mut r2p = open_pipe!(Some("/bin/ls")).unwrap(); println!("{:?}", r2p.cmd("?e Hello World")); let json = r2p.cmdj("ij").unwrap(); println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&json).unwrap()); println!("ARCH {}", json["bin"]["arch"]); r2p.close(); }
Ruby ---- ``` $ gem install r2pipe ``` ```ruby require 'r2pipe' puts 'r2pipe ruby api demo' puts '====================' r2p = '/bin/ls' puts r2p.cmd 'pi 5' puts r2p.cmd 'pij 1' puts r2p.json(r2p.cmd 'pij 1') puts r2p.cmd 'px 64' r2p.quit ```
Perl ---- ```perl #!/usr/bin/perl
use R2::Pipe; use strict;
my $r = R2::Pipe->new ("/bin/ls"); print $r->cmd ("pd 5")."\n";
print $r->cmd ("px 64")."\n"; $r->quit ();
%% -sname hr -mode(compile).
main(_Args) -> %% adding r2pipe to modulepath, set it to your r2pipe_erl location R2pipePATH = filename:dirname(escript:script_name()) ++ "/ebin", true = code:add_pathz(R2pipePATH),
%% initializing the link with r2 H = r2pipe:init(lpipe),
%% all work goes here io:format("~s", [r2pipe:cmd(H, "i")]).
import R2pipe import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
showMainFunction ctx = do cmd ctx "s main" L.putStr =<< cmd ctx "pD `fl $`"
main = do -- Run r2 locally open "/bin/ls" >>= showMainFunction -- Connect to r2 via HTTP (e.g. if "r2 -qc=h /bin/ls" is running) open "" >>= showMainFunction ```
Dotnet ```csharp using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq; using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; using r2pipe;
namespace LocalExample { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { #if __MonoCS__ using(IR2Pipe pipe = new R2Pipe("/bin/ls")) { #else using (IR2Pipe pipe = new R2Pipe(@"C:\Windows\notepad.exe", @"C:\radare2\radare2.exe")) { #endif Console.WriteLine("Hello r2! " + pipe.RunCommand("?V"));
Task<string> async = pipe.RunCommandAsync("?V"); Console.WriteLine("Hello async r2!" + async.Result); QueuedR2Pipe qr2 = new QueuedR2Pipe(pipe); qr2.Enqueue(new R2Command("x", (string result) => { Console.WriteLine("Result of x:\n {0}", result); })); qr2.Enqueue(new R2Command("pi 10", (string result) => { Console.WriteLine("Result of pi 10:\n {0}", result); })); qr2.ExecuteCommands(); } }
} } ```
Java ---- ```java import org.radare.r2pipe.R2Pipe;
public class Test { public static void main (String[] args) { try { R2Pipe r2p = new R2Pipe ("/bin/ls");
// new R2Pipe ("", true); System.out.println (r2p.cmd ("pd 10")); System.out.println (r2p.cmd ("px 32")); r2p.quit(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println (e); }
} } ```
Swift ----- ```swift if let r2p = R2Pipe(url:nil) { r2p.cmd ("?V", closure:{ (str:String?) in if let s = str { print ("Version: \(s)");
exit (0); } else { debugPrint ("R2PIPE. Error"); exit (1); }
}); NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop().run();
} else { print ("Needs to run from r2") } ```
public static int main (string[] args) { MainLoop loop = new MainLoop (); var r2p = new R2Pipe ("/bin/ls"); r2p.cmd ("pi 4", (x) => { stdout.printf ("Disassembly:\n%s\n", x); r2p.cmd ("ie", (x) => { stdout.printf ("Entrypoint:\n%s\n", x); r2p.cmd ("q"); }); }); ChildWatch.add (r2p.child_pid, (pid, status) => { Process.close_pid (pid); loop.quit (); }); (); return 0; }
(load "r2pipe.lsp") (println "pd 3:\n" (r2pipe:cmd "pd 3")) (exit)
Dlang ----- ```d import std.stdio;
import r2pipe;
void main() { auto r2 = ();
writeln ("Hello "~ r2.cmd("?e World")); writeln ("Hello "~ r2.cmd("?e Works"));
string uri = r2.cmdj("ij")["core"]["uri"].str; writeln ("Uri: ",uri);
} ```