July 2023

Jorge Sanz | 2023-08-01 | 414 words | update

🏠 Personal

July was mostly a month in between the conferences and summer holidays for me. Next week we will go out so July was a month at home, enjoying the local festivities of Valencia (*Gran Fira de València*) where the city was busy every weekend with many different activities. We had also national government and senate elections that as before, are leaving the country in a period of politics and very likely repeated elections.

Leaving here just a few picutres of different thinks we saw through the month.

_Cercafira_ parade

A _Muixeranga_ performance

A view of the Tosca map in the MuVIM museum

A performance at the CCCC

❤️ Community

After the conferences from June, this month was pretty quiet. A few friends from Madrid, Amsterdam, and Buenos Aires came to València for a visit and we have a nice dinner at the south beach of the city. I hope we can get back to local gatherings in September, hopefully not just for beers 🍻 but also to do some form of talks or exchanges.

Another community effort started this month is the preparations for the annual Geoinquietos unconference called *GeoCamp*, that will happen by the end of September in Vigo, Spain. I've already booked flight and accommodation for that weekend 🎉.

📚 Reading

This month I haven't read at a high pace but I still did a few pages every day. I finished the last short novel of the K Leguin Tales of Earthsea[1] and I'm almost finished with the The Other Wind[2], the last book of the *Earthsea* series. I enjoyed this series **a lot**. Probably the best fantasy books I've read in the recent years. I will keep reading K Leguin works in the future since I still have quite a few.

1: https://www.ursulakleguin.com/tales-from-earthsea

2: https://www.ursulakleguin.com/the-other-wind

For this month I would like to get back to reading something in Catalan. All the books I have in that language are on paper so I guess I will have to find something to read on digital form since I do this a lot at night thanks to the e-reader illuminated screen and my own phone.

Also, with the holidays time coming, I may get back to read comic some of the books I left last [December]({{< relref "../2022/2022-12.md" >}}).

🔊 Listening

A haven't done much non-fiction listening this month:


3: https://pca.st/nfnyzwfj

4: https://pca.st/zxtzo0vv

5: https://pca.st/0p9g85ij

6: https://pca.st/05stnahq

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