

computer science

A Better Way to Combine Efficient String Length Encoding and Zero-Termination

Wirth - Tasks vs threads

Programming Without Enumerations in Oberon

Another defence of enumerated types

Comparison of OOP in three languages

An Object-Oriented Database Programming Environment for Oberon

Zero-Overhead Exception Handling Using Metaprogramming

Lightweight Parametric Polymorphism for Oberon

Import is Not Inheritance. Why we need both: modules and classes

Design and Implementation of a Component Architecture for Oberon

Twin - A Design Pattern for Modeling Multiple Inheritance

Design Patterns in Oberon-2 and Component Pascal

Object-oriented programming in Oberon-2(short paper)

Object-oriented programming in Oberon-2 (the book)

Programming In Oberon (the book)

Compiler Construction - The Art of Niklaus Wirth

Component Software

Why objects are not enough

The Oberon Companion

Extensible programming in Oberon

oop in c

Oberon system user guide and programming manual

uOberon - a development system for mcs51 microcontrollers

uOberon appendices

Using Oberon's Active Objects for Language Interoperability and Compilation

Division and modulus for computer scientists

Combining Lock-Free Programming with Cooperative Multitasking for a Portable Multiprocessor Runtime System

Porting Native Oberon to the Gneiss Microkernel

A plea for lean software

Good ideas, through the looking glass

A Comparison of Ada and Pascal in an Introductory Computer Science Course

The Oberon Programming Language Dr. Dobb's article by Josef Templ, January 01, 1994

Ofront user guide (postscript)

Ofront user guide (pdf)

Sharing and protection in single space operating systems

An Analysis of x86-64 Inline Assembly in C Programs

Hoare hints

Insight ETHOS on object-orientation in operating systems

Separate compilation and module extension

Separate compilation and module extension

Systems Software Research is Irrelevant - Rob Pike

Optimizing Compilers for Structured Programming Languages - Michael Brandis

Code-Generation On-the-Fly: A Key to Portable Software - Michael Franz

A Programming Language for Vector Computers

Medos-2: A Modula-2 Oriented Operating System for the Personal Computer Lilith

Hermes - Supporting Distributed Programming in a Network of Personal Workstations

The Need for Autonomy and Real-Time in Mobile Robotics: A Case Study of XO/2 and Pygmalion

Minos - The design and imlementation of an embedded real-time operating system with a perspective of fault tolerance

Less is more. Why Oberon beats mainstream in complex applications

An introduction to structured programming

Loop Exits and Structured Programming: Reopening the Debate

A Critique of the Remote Procedure Call Paradigm

Using Oberon's active objects for language interoperability and compilation (contains critique of Oberon on page 155)

Structured programming with goto statements

FFF97 — Oberon in the Real World

SET: A neglected data type, and its compilation for the ARM

Metaprogramming Facilities in Oberon for Windows and Power Macintosh

The Oberon-2 Reflection Model and its Applications

Project Oberon 2005 edition

Project Oberon 1992 edition

oberon reports

Oberon report (revision 1.10.90)

Oberon-2 report

Oberon-2 change list

Oakwood Guidelines for Oberon-2 Compiler Developers

Oberon-07 report (revision 1.10.2013 / 3.5.2016)

modula-3 related:

Systems Programming with Modula-3

Safe Programming With Modula-3, dr. dobbs article

original of the prev. link from dr dobbs article, october 92.

Trestle Reference Manual

Trestle Tutorial

Mesa Language Manual

Extended Pascal standard

plan9 related:

A Minimalist Global User Interface

Bozoian papers about his Alex language (in Russian)

Bozoian university lectures (in Armenian)

Vipack Oberon package manager



Measured Parameters of Large Antenna of ROT-54/2.6 Tell about Absence of Big Bang