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entries are listed in reverse chronological order


apr 30, 2024

good lord i have uh. not been updating my capsule.

not sure if i'll really use this journal? i joined fedi a bit ago and that sorta serves as my microblog, but i do like the novelty of this...

i've been journaling in real life too! i've tried a *lot* of times over the years and i think it's sticking this time


nov 2, 2023 ⛅️

decided to pick toki pona back up. i can use school stuff as an excuse, which will probably help me force myself to keep learning it too. toki pona li pona a!

oct 14, 2023 ☀️

woke up around 8 and went back to sleep, got up at almost 1 - guess i was pretty tired

had japanese class earlier and am drinking boba right now (: boba makes me kinda lightheaded and hyper but i like boba so i still drink it on the weekly

just finished some homework, gonna take some notes for econ soon

finally pulled the plug yesterday and harvested my astrobotany plant that i've had for almost a year..... so sad

still brainstorming what else to add to my capsule, joined a pretty small orbit yesterday! LEO felt too big so i decided not to join that one


remembered that station exists, but apparently i made an account back when i was on my old laptop which i don't have access to anymore, and this was before you could add a password. fuck

i emailed the creator to see if something could be done, hopefully it works out (i'd rather keep my username)

in other news, apparently tonight's the new moon. that's nice

oct 13, 2023

remembered gemini exists yesterday and was writing a blog post about it when i got a bout of motivation to work on my capsule. not sure how long it'll last but i hope i actually make use of it!