hey! i'm a dorky fella who likes to write about my feelings :) i'm transmasculine and have been medically transitioning for around 5 years now! i'm also disabled; i'm autistic with adhd, i talk about those a lot. i also talk about my mental illnesses (depression, anxiety, that kinda jazz) and my dissociative disorder + dissociative system a lot, since those are a really big part of my life, for better or for worse lol
i use this place as my journal! other apps, websites, or methods that i've tried for journaling haven't worked out... blogging online feels nice, and since i don't care about how much information i share about my mental health online, since nobody can really do anything with this information that can negatively affect me lol, i figured... why not give this method a shot? it's really easy to make gemtext documents, after all, so it's in turn super easy to make new diary entries!
i also made this due to my increasing interest in gemini and other internet protocols! even though i make and edit everything on good old https, of course, i really like exploring around gemini, gopher, etc... and i like the thought of just being one small part of this obscure part of the internet world, so here i am!
before reading my posts, please be warned that nothing is ever trigger warned. this is because i would much rather feel content talking about whatever i want in an unfiltered matter. however, i will say that common topics i talk about usually include: