Game/Program box, flat packed.

This is my attempt to make a simple home printable box for software that is only available as a download to your old computer. It is solidly a nostalgia trip for me.

The size of the box is made so that a manual made from folded A4 or US Letter can fit inside and that the Box can be printed on two A4s or two US Legals (US Legal is bigger in all dimensions compared to A4). I recommend a paper weight of around 160 to 200G/M².


Box_Template_v2.odg (14K) LibreOffice Draw document in A4 format

Box_Template_v2.pdf (11K) PDF in A4 format



This is a box for AmiGemini, a Gemini+Spartan+Gopher+Finger+Nex browser, for the Commodore Amiga.

AmiGemini-v2.pdf (52K)
