ashley rules

     `/ _, _ `,        gemini://
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    `\ \ `- / /         //_\  \_ \ ||_|| ||   | _/ `|| 
      7 `--" \`  `',   //  \/ /__/ |/ |/ |__/ |__/  |/
      \ _||_ /'  \ /   
     ,-"`--'`-   //
     /       \\ //     est. march 2024 (est. in my heart in 2022)
     ||       \V/
     ||      | `       

(looks nothing like me (one can dream alright?))

catgirl version :3 (for science!)

hiyaa!!! it's me, ashley! (armchair extraordinaire ^^)

about me :3

gemlog :3

assorted gems :3

assorted recommendations :3

silly ascii art :3

silly opinions :3

leave a message!

also here's the armchair:

...... ||     ______       _
_______||    / \    \     / \
       ||    | /    /    /"""\ 
___ .. ||    ||....|    ,_/ \__
===|___||    \\    \\   \ \_/  \     
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__//_|||| \    | ,___L   \|_____|   \
       ||  \ \   |\___\ \            \
 \  \       \ \   |---|       \    \
     \          \    \    \    \    \  \



I like getting messages! send me stuff to

please be kind <3

oh and bots eunt domus! not a few years ago y'all might've had an excuse, but now you can probably literally understand this. shoo! shoo!!


unless otherwise stated, all content in this capsule is licensed under BLOOD and you may not hold me liable for DEFILING YOUR SOUL or CONSUMING YOUR FLESH.
