Traditional Christian songs in MIDI Synth format for the Apple IIGS taken
from the newsgroup alt.binaries.sounds.midi. Translated by Dave Tribby using
MIDI Surgeon 2.0.

   Sequence file      Instrument  
   --------------     ----------  
   AmazGrace.seq      MIDI.bnk    Amazing Grace
   AveMaria.seq       MIDI.BNK    Ave Maria
   gift.seq           MIDI.BNK    Simple Gifts
   halalua.seq        MIDI.bnk    Hallelujah Chorus (from Handel's Messiah)
   howgreat.seq       Orch.bnk    How Great Thou Art       piano.bnk   Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring

 -- Dave Tribby (; GEnie: D.TRIBBY)