How to run the euro?

2011-12-27 05:27:06

When the panic has abated, argues Edward Carr, the euro zone must redesign its


Nov 16th 2011 | from The World In 2012 print edition

Broadly speaking, two tribes have skirmished with each other during the euro

crisis: the markets and the politicians. In 2012 the battle will become a lot

more complicated, as the politicians splinter into factions. It sounds

dangerous and it is but thrashing out political arguments is an essential part

of bringing the crisis to an end.

Amid the banks plunging shares and the soaring yields of government bonds, it

is easy to lose sight of the political questions being asked of Europe. Markets

have forced Europe s troubled economies to confront austerity and reform, but

politics will determine how they do so. Markets have demanded that Germany and

other creditor nations finance a rescue, but politics will decide what they

demand in return. Markets want a revamp of the euro s governance, but politics

will ordain how energetically the European Union embraces federalism.

Austerity and a rescue are now under way, though a descent of Greece into

anarchy could yet throw them off course. But the third element renovating the

governance of the euro is still highly uncertain. In 2012 Germany s Angela

Merkel and her fellow euro-zone leaders will set out the sketches for that


If you were sitting down with a blank sheet of paper, you would advise the euro

zone to complement its one-size-fits-all monetary policy by pooling sovereignty

and creating new institutions. You would set up a European mini-IMF (call it an

EMF) with enough funds to tide over troubled countries as they adjusted their

economies. A pan-European banking regulator and a bail-out fund could ensure

that large European banks were not at the mercy of their vulnerable sovereign

borrowers. To stop the markets from picking off weaklings, you might organise

centralised borrowing in which all countries jointly stood behind the debt of

each government. And, to stop spendthrift governments from exploiting these

mechanisms, euro-zone countries would agree to submit their fiscal policies to

the say-so of everyone else.

It amounts to a blueprint for the United States of Europe. And it is utterly

beyond reach.

For starters nobody can agree on which central authority should hold all these

new powers. France and Germany would refuse to boost the European Commission,

which they mistrust. Smaller countries and Germany s constitutional court would

refuse to endow an ad hoc intergovernmental council. Many national leaders

heartily detest the European Parliament.

Moreover, many governments are nervous about other euro-zone countries having a

say about their own public spending. And the entire EU was scarred by the

eight-year-long attempt to restructure the union, first by writing a new

constitution rejected and abandoned and later by repackaging the constitution

into the Lisbon treaty, which limped into force in 2009. You do not find much

appetite in Brussels for a repeat performance.

Shape up, for the euro s sake

Where does that leave the redesign of the euro? Euro-zone governments have

agreed that leaders will meet at twice-yearly summits. They have set up a

proto-EMF and a European Banking Authority. And they have agreed to monitor the

economies of euro-zone members in a souped-up Stability and Growth Pact.

New sanctions might require a new treaty

But more is needed, especially with sanctions. Some could be enforced at the

level of the nation. Euro-zone members might have to write caps on deficits and

debt into their constitutions, or create independent offices of statistics and

budget sustainability, rather as they must have an independent central bank


Ultimately, though, new sanctions might require a new treaty. But new treaties

take a long time. Countries can weigh them down with their own agendas

(Britain, for instance, wants to repatriate powers even though it is not a

member of the euro zone). And referendums can reject treaties (just ask the


These difficulties have answers and the EU has had more than enough practice in

fashioning compromises out of unpromising ingredients. But if the euro zone

gets it wrong in 2012, it will be laying the foundations of the next currency


Edward Carr: foreign editor, The Economist

from The World In 2012 print edition