11/09/2021 (things i lerned)

- "The universe is hostile to computers" fuck veritasium really good videos. u can even spot his agendas, like talking about the only case that wasn't a bit flip IN SUPPORT OF AUTONOMOUS CARS. Didn't even get panneonkeok right, he's / they're not a speedrunner. Also... "nobel prize [...] the MAN who discovered cosmic rays" not about gender, but about phrasing. Also FUCK the blue screen of death argument, bit flips are definitely not the cause of bloated mismanaged OSes. Purpose misinformation so people can feel relatable and share the video. should organize my arguments.

- hm autonomous elevators arguments, good choice. HAH the paralympic story must have caught him off guard. I'm completely on board with its safety, the problem is to what extent do we want the conditions which facilitate that like more roads and more cars, and also political power distribution. What, a commonwealth country designing its infrastructure particularly to meet the specifications so that more foreign owned vehicals and dominate the lands? That's colonization

- transition to fully autonomous vehicles are not going be huge drop in numbers loll, that's like saying the bigger the roads the less the congestion. Idk why but i like the comparison with fintech, highly regulated, healthy competition, just prefer it to be much more open. [[With kolomentality widespread, no matter what ull get kolomentality returns.]]

- the double square bracketed argument comes from my inability to extract out exactly what makes specifically fintech bad besides from further empowering the finance capitalists and the predatory gamification of transactions.

- gopay, ovo, linkaja - trying to understand their context to *choose* which one best suits my goals is interesting. Wouldn't have thought about it until i read websites comparing them. Who are their shareholders? Got govt/federal banks? Or monopolised by some company? Stay the fuck away from "real estate developers" i.e. eco-genocidal settler colonizers

- hmm eco-genocide is an apt term, you might say it's downplaying actual genocides but actually not, cuz eco-genocide does actually systematically harm people (mostly Indigenous/Native peoples) not to mention biodiversity

- LOL why do i keep spelling vehicle as vehical? xD

- pengesahihan dan kesahihan? Validation/authentication. why not just pengesahan?

- what's up with kirzegartz (Kurzgesagt) english captions? ok nvm it was one-off case

- scraping comments *really needs* APIs to be useful and effective, youtube, tiktok alike

- ok i should buy myself a new raspberrypi, cant do anything without a reliable server...

ooh `ab` command is apache HTTP server benchmarker

- i really should try to fix my own raspberry pi before thinking about buying... imperialism really is pervasive

- hehe "buang node" for website's preloader and i can see contents without disabling JS~~ first time i think, from full screen as preloader. I knew it was loaded alr cuz the scroll bar was there

- omg copying by typing is really fun

- ria ricis is so popular probably one of the reasons is she is so expressive (facial expression especially)

- yamet kudasi song is hilarious

- hmm yt-dlp downloading auto-captions doesnt download manual captions? that sucks. what i want is to organize all autocaptions into one folder and manual captions in the same directory as video

- oof ok video archiving is hard af ... ya allah do NOT download 4k videos ughh

- "eee geli ah tngok asmr roleplay"

- "Omg looking at many brand logos giving me paradigm/mall vibes

- "Video description should have "view transcript" option, thumbnail should be animated of contents only (i wrote a whole draft toot about this)

- hm at first ud think "money is interoperable" but maybe actually not. It theoretically is, but if it effectively isnt, then it isnt

- emphasies! Translating/i18n-ing programming languages is NOT for education!!! It's for making programs exclusive, it's about rediscovering ideas, it's about reimagining the future.

- commitment to programming, in today's world commitment to it presupposes some level of commitment to learning English. Commitments to language learning are huge commitments. i18n will separate these two commitments.

- hm should i make captions for simon clark's nuclear video? the auto ones are alr almost correct, it'll force me to create/find tooling to handle youtube's vtt to srt

- o m g my eyes... nikkkkhil the github feynman quoter: > MIT license... "Free Software, Hell Yeah!" why did i have to witness this...

- someone should really analyse my internal counting language... sometimes i use chinese to say numbers, sometimes english, rarely malay. I know it's topical, like IP address almost always yi jiu er... and music counting naturally wants to be english but i force it to be chinese sometimes. programming same english, but i try to (internally) say it in malay.


- CGAP = Consultative Group to Assist the Poor... WOW


- hm tiktok doesnt allow straightforward non-js scraping for the 6 most recent videos, surely there's a non-browser way to scrape tho...

- ew what kind of programmers create a scraper bot and not open source it??? now i can understand a little what richard stallman meant about it "feeling" unnatural. Like seriously, go ahead and do it as a service no one's trying to copy that, but at least share the source omg

- ok use full path for 7z, heheh reading so many warning online about backing up ur data really pushed me to try

- thailand history & language is too difficult for me, not interested in their dramas either

- cant believe i didn't read the title of the youtube video and thought a hongkong protest was from thailand, but hongkong student university "fortress" is badass af

- wtf i cant believe i didnt note down compression algorithms efficiency comparison before? I rmb researching this last time, at least provide a link ugh

- yay gzip is so much faster and less harsh on my computerr~ ok linux compression archive directory, files and folders keywords: tar, gzip, bzip2, bz2, 7z, xz




- haih at least ill come out knowing how to handle my own data better

- git has large pack objects... i should skim through what git actually does

Software bugs:

- random screen tapping? Ish? Idk, but the bottom keeps appearing and video will change brightness or pause for 1 sec or in browser pop up

- newpipe autoplay when reopen

- diary doesn't update after saving (sometimes?)

- newpipe doesnt have youtube replies (not really a bug, but today suddenly felt missing)