There has apparently been a major break somewhere in the water system, and the source has yet to be found. As of this moment all available emergency response units are reporting to the water plant for coordination in assisting public works in locating the source. Sadly, I don't know when the drop in pressure was discovered, as i turned on the scanner a few minutes ago. UPDATE 8:56pm: the break appears to be at the old RECC grounds (Now the location of Cynthiana Tire). an officer just reported noticing that one of the structures is flooded. UPDATE 9:00pm: the words of one of the public works personnel on scene "we have a river back here..." UPDATE 9:10pm: i just heard from a source that they believe that the line that broke can be bypassed. the words i'm hearing over the scanner, however, don't necessarily support that statement. i also overheard that a news crew is on it's way to the scene for a report. guess i'll go see what all the news is saying... UPDATE: 9:15pm: just hit the local networks' sites, and don't see any news of it yet. guess it'll just end up being a short mention on the 11pm news. This situation must be showing some interest though; one of the guys asked for an officer to man the gates entering the property. Most of the radio traffic right now is revolving around finding work lamps. UPDATE: 9:38pm: no big surprise here, but 3M has had to shut down production due to this. a manager from 3M came on scene and asked one of the public works employees (Joe Pike?) for an ETA on the fix. as of right now, there's no known time of completion. UPDATE: 8/24 10:38am: It would seem that most of the issues have been resolved, or at least patched. Water pressure is near normal here at home. Public works is currently watching hydrants in various locations, checking for discoloration while bleeding the system of air. All of Harrison County is under a boil water advisory until further notice.
Tags: #randomness
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