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👋 Just a computer nerd sailing the vast seas of the internet.
🗣 Followers 2 · Following 4 · Logs 6 · Docked 5 months ago
Learning Python: I have started my adventure to get back into programming and decided to start with Python. I remember so little from my C++ class and writing game in basic on the c64 30+ years ago does not translate to Python. Learning as you get older does seems to be a little bit harder. I keep wanting the comprhension of it to come faster. I set myself up to fail but jump to far forawd, trying the "dive in to the DEEP end" approach and that just does not seem to work for me anymore. I know the meds are a large factor in it too and that makes it a tiny bit sad. I get such enjoyment out of using a computer to see the creation. I always start the same "Lets make a RPG".
💬 2 Replies · 1 Thumb · 5 months ago
Will I ever be normal again? Been out just four times in four years, even mom’s funeral is a blur due to meds. It's so sad I can barely recall it. I’m on fourteen pills daily and still, 8-10 panic attacks! This isn’t the ‘normal’ I want for my kids. I never let them see me in panic. A couple of times a year, it’s so bad I can’t hide. For minor episodes, I talk to them about it. I want them to understand the struggle with mental illness and know you can fight it. Though it might never fully go away, most can control it. But I feel like the exception… like I’ve failed them gemini://gemlog.blue/users/DarqueDante/1695939969.gmi
💬 2 Replies · 1 Thumb · 5 months ago
Request: Trackball Mouse Recommendations. I have been using the logitech M575 and before that the previous version of it. Is there any better and longer lasting one out there? I seem to go through about 1 every year to year and a half. I do not like the new M575 as much as I did the M570, but I have soldered/resoldered to death my last M570 left lcik switch pad and have been stuck with the M575 Models for the last four years. Anyone any ideas? Thanks in advance. (Wireless is a must and a deal-breaker for me)
💬 2 Replies · 1 Thumb · 5 months ago
My Prayer To The GNU/Linux Programming Gods Make a game where kids learn the CLI and get rewarded for utilizing the top most used POSIX tools and helps them get comfortable with *nix OS'es. I have books, but I do not have anything to inspire the drive to learn in my children to realy utilize *nix to full potentail. Clicking a GUI is easy.... I do not want to push heavy and have them resent it....
💬 6 Replies · 1 Thumb · 5 months ago
I'm dragging my feet about Reading/Listening to an assigned "No Excuses, by Brian Tracy." I do not know if it is just me or my Asprgers, but I find "Self-Help" books perplexing... They sound and read oddly to me. I find the use of "over" repetitive words grating. "Discipline" and "Self-Discipline" are being said about every thirty seconds, it is almost triggering.
💬 2 Replies · 1 Thumb · 5 months ago
First time Tinyblogging. It has been a facinating three-day weekend. Connecting for the first time since 2018 to SDF.org and Gopher to find a whole new Phoenix in Gemini and Spartan. I think writing often may be a cathartic release.