What exactly is the Agora protocol?
How to grasp the concept?
3 weeks ago
@mrrobinhood5 in a way i want to post a txt html or whatever file into torrent space and have a browser that can reach it + distribute it for say... 24 hours so that IF a post is trendy the distribution shares the load. But the content itself is on my local machine NOT on a 3rd party host. I mean why pay for a huge expensive webspace if you only use very little space.
We are being pushed to be 'green' and low energy footprint etc. But there are no simple solutions that keep the cost low, and are green as a side effect.. ยท 3 weeks ago
@mrrobinhood5 yup, i'm looking for distributed, protocols eversince i played with DAT:// And somehow i hope to find a distributed gemini all in one solution that is simple yet highly functional. So e-commerce is going to be over complicated, BUT if i can use it in a different way. well... I kinda want to be able to reach the entire town say 50.000 people without using a 'server' as such. I just want to run a local blog publishing thingy nothing fancy. I like how gemini works, but i see all kinds of policies where those who host it play it safe, but limit the freedom of the publishers. understandable, but i don't like it. ยท 3 weeks ago
interesting find, assuming you mean the Agora e-commerce protocol ยท 3 weeks ago