Iceman's Blog 1.0 ♺ (mirror)

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Back to the roots of blogging

Mirror site of gemini://

Welcome to the blog of Iceman. 1.0 not for version number but to go back to the style and simplicity of the web 1.0. The only way to answer me is by email. The only way to find an article is to use the search function of your browser on this page. And if you don't like the white background, feel free to use the dark mode of your browser. The numbers before the title are just to understand chronology. There are some letters before : A for automotive industry, B for books, C for cinema, F for live from France, M for music, P for poetry, R for recipe, T for tutorial, ...and no letter for the other subjects.

About Me


Last posts :

2024-03-20 - P04 Lifeline Pilot

2024-03-16 - 18 A new Bullet Journal

2024-03-14 - 17 The End of the Free Web

2024-03-11 - F03 LiveFromFrance S2E03

2024-03-09 - 16 Evolution of the Blog

2024-03-06 - 15 Tales of a smartphone

2024-03-03 - 14 My (PC) shop around the corner

2024-02-28 - 13 The Bedroom

2024-02-25 - P03 C'est pour toi, mon meilleur ami (song)

2024-02-21 - 12 One slice of life in February

2024-02-18 - 11 Dry yearly

2024-02-15 - F02 LiveFromFrance S2E02

2024-02-13 - 10 Stupid AI or Stupid programmers ?

2024-02-11 - P02 A Day of snow

2024-02-09 - 09 Recipe of Vegan Banh Mi

2024-02-06 - 08 Tale of the spider

2024-02-03 - 07 Limit Air Travel ?

2024-01-30 - A01 Don't buy autonomy, buy efficiency

2024-01-27 - 06 What memories for our grandchildren ?

2024-01-23 - 05 Life is a theater

2024-01-20 - P01 The Man in the cold

2024-01-17 - 04 Why keeping your datas and website on a single server is not a good thing ?

2024-01-13 - F01 LiveFromFrance S02E01

2024-01-09 - 03 Dogma for SimpleWeb

2024-01-05 - 02 Tale of the cart

2024-01-01 - 01 Let's go



All the content is in CC-4.0

This blog also exists in light HTML on : for a mirror

RSS feed