Thu 08 Feb 2024 10:32:07 PM UTC Was re-reading 'man' and noticed that somebody started implementing a RTC Wiki, really more of an intranet, with the intention of automatically pulling from ~/.wiki/ assuming it's readable. Typing 'wiki' provides the current state of development, basically stalled. A perusal of existing user ~/.wiki/ directories shows only a handful have any content, mostly an index.html and one or two extras. One person has their index done in markdown ( Anyway I thought it's be fun to try to write a simple wiki index browser using Awk and the lynx(1) text web browser: -- $ ~zilog/public_bin/wikiview -h wikiview browses the RTC user wiki; the following index file types are supported: .htm, .html, .xhtml, .md * * requires the following addition to '~/.mailcap': 'text/markdown; %s |lynx -dump -stdin |less' -- The script is fairly small, 32 lines of code plus some comments, and although it's calling Gawk it doesn't make use of any of its non-POSIX extensions*. Mawk would run a bit faster and perhaps I'll request it be installed at some point. * I did make a version using Gawk's readdir(3am) dynamic library but could not find a clean way to eliminate warning messages whenever a non-readable ~/.wiki/ was encountered. It may be possible using Gawk's BEGINFILE{} construct or perhaps the functionality in the readfile(3am) and/or filefuncs(3am) libraries.