馃懡 freezr

@dimkr Your tootkit is just amazing. I have been hoping for a GeminiUI in my daydreams and now it is just a reality.

It is just amazing! 馃帀

But... Yes there is a but... 馃様

The UI is confused for a powerless brain like mine, at a certain point I lost the "orientation" and I couldn't understand what I was reading, why I was reading that and where I did come from. I don't believe it is "your" fault, it is just Mastodon that is the worst UI ever.

For me the best approach is the one made by Diaspora/Station where you read only the main thread and then all the children messages, and you just get notifications if a thread you replied got new messages.

3 months ago 路 馃憤 m0xee


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4 Replies

馃懡 freezr

@dimkir I am going to let my PEBCAK fellows join in and see how we can help your project. 馃槈

I was 路 3 months ago

馃懡 dimkr

@freezr Thanks for the feedback and the encouragement. The UI is definitely the hardest part, considering the limitations of gemtext and Gemini in general. If you have issues, complaints or ideas, please post in https://github.com/dimkr/tootik (under Discussions or Issues) or in hd.206267.xyz and I'll do my best. 路 3 months ago

馃懡 freezr

@dimkr Nice, I am going to follow your recommendations and see if I can solve the maze.

By the way in the first post I hadn't anymore space, but it is a great project indeed!

Closing the gap between Gemini and the Fediverse might a game changer, mostly will depend by a GeminUI that is pebcak proof.

Keep going improving it, thanks! 馃檹 路 3 months ago

馃懡 dimkr

Thanks for the feedback! Displaying nested threads is a problem with Gemini (because everything is left-aligned unless you use ASCII art, etc') so tootik always displays a post, or a post and replies to this post (you need to view a reply to see replies to the reply). To make navigation easy, there's a "thread view" for threads with multiple nested replies, and registered users get a prioritized "inbox" that sorts posts by followed users by relevance: posts that mention you are first, then posts you replied to, etc'. 路 3 months ago