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[users] Tables in Gemtext

A. E. Spencer-Reed easrng at gmail.com

Mon Jan 4 15:00:57 GMT 2021

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It looks like no one has mentioned box-drawing characters yet, theylook good, are supported as part of UTF-8, and I suspect they'd beeasy to parse.```┌──────┬───────┐│ Text │ goes │├──────┼───────┤│ in │ these │└──────┴───────┘```There are other styles that would need to be accounted for, like```┏━━━━━━┓┃ Bold ┃┗━━━━━━┛```or```╔════════╗║ Double ║╚════════╝```borders.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box-drawing_character#Unicode Moreinformation about box drawing characters