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Proposal: Simple structured form specification

Jason McBrayer jmcbray at carcosa.net

Tue Jan 26 13:43:44 GMT 2021

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nothien at uber.space writes:

Russtopia <rmagee at gmail.com> wrote:
[... form proposal ... ]
The issue is that Gemini (and gemtext) is too close to being frozen
forever. And most Gemini content out there doesn't need to use forms.

This is my personal opinion, but I would go further and say that Geminidoesn't need forms. If you have fully featured forms, you can implementlargely any kind of application (excluding very interactive ones), andin the history of the web, this lead to re-implementing the wholeinternet over port 80. I don't think Gemini needs to do that. The oneinput lets you select different dynamic versions of a page, like fordifferent locales, or search results, or similar.

Having more complex forms is a temptation to implement applications onGemini, rather than using pairings of protocol+client that are moreappropriate (e.g. using NNTP for a message board).

-- Jason McBrayer | “Strange is the night where black stars rise,jmcbray at carcosa.net | and strange moons circle through the skies, | but stranger still is lost Carcosa.” | ― Robert W. Chambers,The King in Yellow