Daniel Nagy danielnagy at posteo.de
Tue Feb 9 21:33:07 GMT 2021
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Also, the gemini spec specifically says:
This scheme is syntactically compatible with the generic URI
defined in RFC 3986, ut does not support all components of the
syntax. In particular, the authority component is allowed and
https://gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/specification.html Section
Now, this is obviously what you're talking about changing, but
good reasons to be compliant with the URI spec (which, as
mentioned, mandates "//" precedes an authority). The most
reason being that there's a URI library for every programming
that's ever been used in the past 30 years, and a main goal of
gemini is
to reuse existing specifications where it's not necessary to
save people
the trouble of having to roll their own everything. This is the
reason that gemini uses DNS and TLS despite their respective
They already exist, they're standardized, and they're well used
everyone already.
I agree, adhering to a widely used standard and therefore being able touse well established libraries is important. My expectation was, that itwould be compatible to the standard, but it looks like it is not.
What also contributed to this expectation is that I can stilldifferentiate where a hostname ends and a path starts, since hostnamescannot contain slashes.
I hope I don't seem rude here, I'm just trying to lay out the
position clearly.No rudeness experience from here. Thank you for your clarifying words.I am happy to have learned about gemini and hope that I can help itsomeday in the future.