@userfxnet When you automatically assume that religions or religious peoples want theocracies, when you misuse religious terms like "Sharia Law", when you don't recognize that religion originated social justice issues, or that people like Dorothy Day were religious anarchists, that's when you've completely lost the plot. Stop being so damn ignorant and bigoted and learn some actual history for a change. You might as well start with a history of the Middle East and history of Islam class. People who do the above can no longer justify their bigotry. You people are shameful becuase you'd rather hate on everyone in your ignorance than take a damn college class or read a history book on the subject.
2 weeks ago
@clseibold, the Ottoman Empire was not a bastion of religious tolerance.
t. Member of religion historically suppressed by the Ottomans ยท 1 week ago
i was posting to someones post I scrolled by, CL, that im not even aware of had anything to do with any prior post if on here or BBS or wherever other than whatever posted face value, so this is an assumption of something I stated as an aside to someone relating something they posted. The comment wasn't even in reference to anything else previous, that I wasnt even aware of to begin with. Have a good one, CL. ยท 1 week ago
In case you haven't gotten the damn clue yet: look up the Islamic Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Persian Empire during the reign of Cyrus the Great, and the Mongolian Empire. They are all the foundations of religious toleration. They are all the foundations of the very democracy that allowed for Separation of Church and State.
Learn your damn history. ยท 2 weeks ago