ok listen to me Buddhists. If individuality is a fiction then explain bee allergies.
3 months ago 路 馃憤 mathpunk
I still think if the self wants honey, ignoring the bee allergy is wasteful at a minimum. Surely there are transient costs here. A little bit of state is handy. 路 3 months ago
I could be wrong, but I think the answer you'd get to this question is something along the lines of "only the body has a bee allergy," or "the self isn't allergic, the body is allergic." Buddhists generally don't consider the body to be any more a part of the "self" as anything else, aiui.
Here's a counter question: if the self is real, how come tons of people have the exact same allergy?
Don't take my word for it though, I'm just a layperson. 路 3 months ago
Ok, now, all that said: as it relates to the bee and allergies.... hmm, idk? different respawn, same spectator view?!?!?! (if you think about it like spawning in a game with a different class, then going back to spectator mode pfffffff) 路 3 months ago
I'm not so sure it's meant to mean a "fiction" like a false non-tangible fantasy or make-believe story, so much as it's meant to represent a construct of perceivable reality compared between a sort of incorporeal cosmic perspective of experiencing conscious awareness, how that relates between other being's awareness, including the external personalized experiences perceived, and the ultimate futility it all retreats back to once after it's all said and done to then burst back into another or different iteration of that sensation of being, awareness, and experience. <-- NOT a buddhist btw, just some educated inference related to eastern spiritual beliefs n philosophy ive' dabbled in. 路 3 months ago
that's a recipe for death. 路 3 months ago
Be with the bee. Be the bee. 路 3 months ago