Those of us who struggle with ID management will become multi headed dragons.
While I'm glad that we have a new option with these ID's, I also have the feeling that this is going to be a different kind of headache. Specially for those who are less bureaucratic in nature. And thats about 75% of humanity. Depending on how you look at Jungs archetypes. This could actually be worse. As bureacracy is a very unnatural thing.
2 weeks ago
I'm not at all happy with ID's in general, as they always happen to be abused. Sometimes as identity theft. But the bigger issue is when they know everything about you and start to discriminate on ALL the possible angles.
Religion, Skin-tone, Gender, Menu preferences, Health, Finance, Transport, Energy usage,Traveling, Age, What movies you view, Music you listen to, Politics.
Every cohort is a discriminator, and that makes Facebook Google Microsoft Apple and Amazon the biggest assholes out there. ยท 2 weeks ago