This place is one of the last bastions of real people who, I'm confident, are likely to know real things.
I live in the tropics. Mildew like to grow on my white painted drywall walls. What's the trick to eliminating and preventing it? Bleach, borax, vinegar, something else?
Hello, I know this was a while ago, but if you've got the budget for it, you could get a dehumidifier? It's basically an air conditioner but without the cooling, it'll make the air in your house less humid.
does not sound nice, this mildew thing. We had some a few years ago due to the wall not being dry, but rather wet from a broken pipe outside the house. But 48 degrees north does not really qualify as tropics, right?
~bartender? Another coffee, it seems. Thanks!
Trying to handle this with chemistry is one thing. But to my mind comes ventilation as well. I would hope that there is some (sufficient?) swing in temperature between day and night, so that favorable conditions might exist like early in the morning. But I'm no expert, this is just another puzzle piece.
/me stares out the window while a whirlwind of dewpoints and temperatures and condensation and things like that enter my mind together with the unforgettable sounds of latin american rain forest ...