👽 five_over_four

Thought: modern social media embodies the saying "those who can't do, teach" precisely. Hardly anyone a master of their craft, they tend to be slightly above mediocre artists and craftspeople giving advice on how to accomplish their failed dreams.

1 month ago


👋 Join Station

4 Replies

👽 userfxnet

Mainstream social media, maybe, but I think a more prevalent issue is the fact so many complain and debate abou things I'd gander a guess that a GOOD portion of them aren't actually that opposed about, the "do as I say not as I do" hypocrisy.

I feel like what you point is -one- perspective possible, but again, in the mainstream sense. These new networks popping up like mastodon, cohost, bluesky, they all each have some form of joining a group of interest that matches with personal preference from which you'll find like-minded or aligned folk with a measure of knowledge and relative success or at least as how one might consider it. · 1 month ago

👽 five_over_four

@mysterons Oh, yeah. I just find it slightly amusing that there's this... missing segment of talent at the top echelons of social media. They're not there, they're out there in the world, pouring themselves onto canvases and the like.

That, and I'm just very disillusioned with this perceived lack of real obsessive, all-consuming artistry. · 1 month ago

👽 mysterons

To add to both sides of the argument, some guy with a noname YouTube channel taught me how to change the accessory belt on my specific model of car. This saved me a lot of time and trouble!

On the other hand, I had to look elsewhere to learn how to torque the belt correctly. Someone else may have run into issues from this, but it was helpful to me as a part of a larger solution because I was cautious and had enough knowledge to understand that I only had part of the answer. · 1 month ago

👽 mysterons

Nothing wrong with teaching, or with beginners having an easy gateway into the basics.

The issue comes with people leaning out over their skis so to speak and giving instruction on things they don't themselves understand. There is far too much of this especially on "Q&A" sites like StackOverflow. · 1 month ago