Andrew Singleton singletona082 at
Tue Aug 31 19:47:17 BST 2021
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Idea I have for a tool that might be useful might not:
Concept is you feed it your top level directory.
It lists all your subdirectories in that and lets you hit a button andit goes through EVERY file and if it's an index.gmi it puts at thefoot of the file links to any directory's index.gmi above it with thedirectory name (listing top level domain as Home.)
Any non index.gmi file gets a footer that links back to thatdirectory's index.gmi file.
Note: Those footer behaviors SHOULD be editable, but i'm talking aboutwhat the thing would do by default.
I would also want this program to make GMI files where you can typeout the thing, then at the end hit button to automatically add yourfooter text as appropriate.
Also would like to have a feature that allows you to select text andhit a button for it to turn it into ascii art (since i know a tool forthat exists) for the sake of making top of page interesting text(would by default put the source text as the mouseover text for screenreaders or anyone who has unformatted text collapsed by default.)
Is... this too complex a beginner project for someone learning code?It fills a convenience I would like, but at the same time I don't knowif anyone else would find it useful.