I miss BeOS. I should try Haiku some day. I used BeOS as my daily driver on early 2000s.
8 months ago 路 馃憤 platypus_laser, justyb, digbat, bavarianbarbarian, alextheuxguy, arubes, userfxnet
Haiku is awesome, I really like the design principles they follow. Very friendly community as well. I did a write up of it on my capsule recently:
gemini://alextheuxguy.mooo.com/2023-07-18.gmi 路 8 months ago
i have mine on a 4k screen from macos at 2560x1600 good and sharp in a window, 16 bit color, 60hz, increased font sizes. about double cpu than my deb12 vm 路 8 months ago
I wanted to like Haiku, but it was rough to run in a VM on a high DPI display where my host OS uses display scaling :( 路 8 months ago
Great OS, i can remember when i could play 6 videos at the same time on a 500mhz Pentium with 128mb ram. 路 8 months ago
running haiku 64 and 32 vm in UTM - can't get CCTP to run in 32 however - so i guess that i'm still cured 路 8 months ago
Haiku is nice. Unfortunately, none of my machines can run it, but the devs in the IRC room will try really hard to get you up and running if you want to give it a go! 路 8 months ago