[2022-01-30T12:06:26Z] Hi [2022-01-30T12:07:51Z] Which kernel should I choose, stable or longterm? [2022-01-30T12:15:12Z] :P [2022-01-30T18:14:21Z] Hi all. Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong? Here are all the commands I ran: https://pastebin.com/raw/j75BGB1k [2022-01-30T18:14:22Z] When I try to boot, the motherboard logo appears, but Kiss won't boot [2022-01-30T18:15:39Z] I checked, everything works on Void Linux. 100% the problem is that I entered the wrong efibootmgr command [2022-01-30T19:10:33Z] hi [2022-01-30T19:10:56Z] https://termbin.com/k2f6 [2022-01-30T19:10:56Z] any [2022-01-30T19:22:04Z] that's why the call them developers, not engineers [2022-01-30T22:55:38Z] and yet compensation is either lower or the same for engineering roles vs programming