[2023-01-26T03:08:40Z] Hi [2023-01-26T03:56:25Z] ehawk nice repo [2023-01-26T05:10:29Z] Ellowee: just discovered it? [2023-01-26T05:22:22Z] "Ellowee: just discovered it?" <- nah, been using for a while [2023-01-26T06:04:46Z] w [2023-01-26T17:47:01Z] https://inv.riverside.rocks/watch?v=HjHMoNGqQTI [2023-01-26T17:47:12Z] interesting video if any of you are viewers of kurzgesagt [2023-01-26T19:37:29Z] We can't trust science!!!! Every science research project is funded by corporation. FAKE NEWS!! [2023-01-26T19:45:40Z] "We can't trust science!!!! Every..." <- soyence [2023-01-26T19:46:04Z] eat the bugs [2023-01-26T19:46:12Z] own nothing [2023-01-26T19:46:24Z] be happy [2023-01-26T19:51:10Z] That's right!! [2023-01-26T20:05:35Z] less that and more "hey isn't it weird that this company claiming that they're unbiased is doing all this shady stuff?" but sure [2023-01-26T20:51:49Z] phoebos, dunno how into Xaw you still are, but I found a repo that contains aewm's old Xaw code [2023-01-26T20:51:50Z] https://github.com/Arquivotheca/aewm [2023-01-26T20:51:52Z] branch 1.2.7 [2023-01-26T20:59:40Z] thinking about looking at the code for aepanel-xaw and modifying it or ripping it off to make my own panel, ideally with support for the swallow protocol [2023-01-26T20:59:59Z] store things like a pager, a clock, load monitor, whatever inside it [2023-01-26T21:00:24Z] actually at that point you could just make the window list program a specific instance of a more general menuing program and then swallow that inside of the panel [2023-01-26T21:00:28Z] h m m m m m m m m m [2023-01-26T23:20:10Z] I used to watch them. they make interesting videos but conveniently ignore very big problems like corporations being evil and portray their actions in this very fairy tale vision [2023-01-26T23:20:39Z] i've only really ever watched them and similar channels as entertainment [2023-01-26T23:20:57Z] i've run into too many people who get their scientific knowledge from pop culture [2023-01-26T23:22:23Z] After changing my politics I really didn't like how they portrayed space colonization in its current state, it's pretty evil in practice but they portray it as utopian :/ "corporations owning outer space is good" [2023-01-26T23:22:47Z] I guess they're too blinded by idealism + they get the big bucks from billionaires [2023-01-26T23:23:27Z] corps owning outer space is shit, space colonization is fine if the planets don't have sapient life on them already [2023-01-26T23:23:40Z] I agree