[2024-01-23T10:56:57Z] ehawkvuv: i can confirm that I still cant launch anything in tinyx without my installed fonts. so for me the included ones dont work for me. also, the buildscript for liberation-fonts-tinyx uses unsupported xargs flags that my xargs dont have. [2024-01-23T12:29:40Z] me wondering if i should make my own package manager or just use alpine [2024-01-23T14:02:06Z] use slpm [2024-01-23T14:22:25Z] whats a slpm [2024-01-23T14:28:11Z] suckless package manager [2024-01-23T14:28:14Z] where is it [2024-01-23T14:48:44Z] https://github.com/radare/slpm [2024-01-23T15:10:40Z] is it [2024-01-23T15:16:40Z] yes [2024-01-23T15:24:25Z] no real distro made with it [2024-01-23T15:24:26Z] unfortunate [2024-01-23T16:27:09Z] just use it w/e else one has. not sure how usable it is though [2024-01-23T16:40:22Z] sad_plan: everything about it is implicit [2024-01-23T16:40:27Z] basically it tries to do everything [2024-01-23T16:40:31Z] basically its not suckless [2024-01-23T16:40:36Z] * sewn does a mic drop [2024-01-23T18:49:44Z] its made by one of the suckless devs though. perhaps thats a design choice [2024-01-23T18:49:57Z] never tried it myself, so i dont even know if it works