👽 martin

The fact that life is short has been said many ways, but there's something different for me when you state it in weeks – on average, we all have about 4000 weeks. That really doesn't sound long.

2 years ago · 👍 astroseneca, prk, cobradile94, eph, jo, atmmachine, mc, enceladus


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6 Replies

👽 kevinsan

eek, and they seem to go faster with age! I think I'll not count, and then just die one day. · 2 years ago

👽 eph

@jo, Eastern Orthodox funeral hymns! The first one is from the Evlogitaria, it's a small poem sung between Psalm 118:12 LXX. The second is a short poem sung at the casket in the church. Here's the one from the Evlogitaria:

https://youtu.be/F2B9fnK4qOc?t=92 · 2 years ago

👽 jo

@eph where are these from? · 2 years ago

👽 eph

I called to mind the Prophet, as he cried: I am earth and ashes; and I looked again into the graves and beheld the bones laid bare, and I said: Who then is the king or the warrior, the rich man or the needy, the upright or the sinner?

Last one I promise · 2 years ago

👽 comatoast

I literally did this the other day after watching that Kertkuzad video. It's really humbling. · 2 years ago

👽 eph

I am an image of thine ineffable glory even though I bear the marks of sin
Take pity on thy creature O Master, and cleanse me in thy lovingkindness
Grant me the fatherland for which I long, making me once more a citizen of paradise · 2 years ago