[2024-03-15T15:15:11Z] hi [2024-03-15T16:48:40Z] Hi [2024-03-15T21:07:35Z] hello [2024-03-15T21:07:51Z] is anyone compiling kiss using target march native? [2024-03-15T21:08:08Z] and PTO and LTO? [2024-03-15T21:08:20Z] is anyone using mold linker? [2024-03-15T21:08:32Z] i wanted to know your experiences [2024-03-15T21:17:31Z] ugh they left again [2024-03-15T21:17:36Z] slifhsofaj s,epco I don't check IRC often [2024-03-15T21:17:49Z] vbt: yes I am using march native and the mold linker [2024-03-15T21:18:09Z] works fine, with the only exception of hare and linux due to script linker usage [2024-03-15T21:18:37Z] the mold folk is looking into fixing that missing feature but through another approach, as linker scripts are pretty much a mess AFAIK [2024-03-15T21:30:23Z] riteo: if you don't mind, can you share your dotfiles/kiss repo/linux kernel build script if you have any? [2024-03-15T21:53:34Z] vbt: if you need, you can find mine at codeberg.org/sewn/kiss-repo under core or extra [2024-03-15T21:53:52Z] for most of the time you shouldn't need to make a kiss package for kernel