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Donald P. Goodman III

Version 1.0 (25 Sep 1207)

Confined and trapped, an animal without a route

to move along his path, who can't go anywhere

but here, for every struggle tightens up the snare

that keeps him trapped and makes the pain e'er more acute

the longer with this prison he is in dispute

and ever tighter draws the noose around his bare

and fragile neck, and ever harder comes the air

as tight-enclosing walls e'er tighter persecute.

He fears the jail more than the jailer; even prayer

as all the walls close in seems, like him, trapped and mute

within his jail and in his mind; he cannot bear

his mind so full to burst with abject, trapped despair!

His prison holds him tightly, so he cannot see

whatever might outside his mind's cruel prison be.


© Goretti Publications 1205 (2021).

All material in this Gemini capsule is offered under the CC-BY-SA license, unless otherwise noted.

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