Midnight Pub

Which search engine do you use, today ?



Long time since my last visit here.

Barman, one zero coke, please.

For some years I used DuckDuckGo, but I think I need a better search engine than a Bing frontend.

Last few days, I try Kagi, but for my only personal usage I cannot stay with the Starter plan, and I am not sure if I want to pay $108 per year for the Professional plan.


Today, I discovered Starct, an open source search engine. It seems cool for the little I tried, but it is a young project.


So, which search engine do you use, today, and why?

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~walk wrote:

I use DDG, I occasionally use searx and

Phind.com (uses AI)

I also try to find people that might know the answer and ask them directly for references.

You might find this post interesting


~sherlock wrote:

presearch is a good option.

~ns wrote:

I use and pay for Kagi. I've been extremely happy with it. The $10 a month fee is one of these things that feels expensive but I certainly spend $10 on things that are less useful to me every month.

~katze wrote:

A tall strawberry milkshake please, ~bartender.

I have been into this too lately, and now I use different ones for different purposes.

Also an article I found helpful - https://seirdy.one/posts/2021/03/10/search-engines-with-own-indexes/

~pandion wrote:

The ones I know of are:


Brave search (the only one with it's own intex)



Whoogle(just google with a privacy makeover)

Disroot searx (meta search engine)

Also for small and indy web:




I'll have what he is having, but with rum and a slice of lemon in it!

~2pie wrote (thread):

I used Google, you might have heard of it... ;)

Just kidding, I do use Google though, I've stopped looking for "ethical" search engines when I realized all alternative search engines are frontends to big corporate search engine.

Is there really a point ? Maybe. You could say it's "hacking the system", you could also say it's free riding.

In a sense, a lot of ethical/social businesses consist of a virtuous frontend to a big corporate machine, because, well we live in a big corporate world.

Sorry, I am in a cynical mood...

~violetsoup wrote:

I use Startpage! It's very easy to navigate and has no ads at all, which is perfect when I want to surf the web. DuckDuckGo used to be my main search engine, but it started acting weird and showing me things that had nothing to do with what I was searching up.

~commence2897 wrote:

i rarely search these days. when i do want or need to, i use wiby.me.

~memer wrote:

"Welcome back ~ahirusan, we're always here with open arms" Says the bartender as he fills up a generous glass of coke zero, free of charge for a patron of course!

Just like you duckduckGo is my go-to search engine but looking at your recommendations, I might start using starct, it looks very nice and the added default dark theme is a godsend for my eyes