I want to

mananage my own time

read a good fantasy book

lay down and rest underneath a linden tree beside a small river

see my family more often

have an actual choice

travel the world

study chemistry

read in a big armchair beneath a warm blanket with a cup of hot tea while the rain pours down outside

study cybersecurity

see my friends more often

discover new music

listen to more shoegaze

sleep more

get up when I want, not when I have to

go roadbiking in the countryside

go somewhere I've never been

go camping in summer

reconnect with old friends

write something interesting

get a job

be economically independent

listen to bird noises

hug someone

make information free and accessible

change something

be less vauge in what I want

make a cool open-source program

stargaze without light pollution

do more hobby chemistry

care less about what I think

lower my fucking expectations