I’ve rejected the NvChad setup on my personal systems in favor of making a configuration from scratch. The most advanced configuration is on my PinePhone where I most commonly write, but I still have the NvChad setup on my x86 “desktop” system. That (NvChad) leads to weird keybindings that fire and confound me while trying to do simple things. So, now I’m going to go with as close to a vanilla setup as possible, lazy load all the plugin that I used in Vim, and maybe eliminate the issues I’ve had with NvChad.
Issues so far with NvChad
AFAIK the control+k mechanism is the only way to insert a digraph without some convoluted special abbr entry for everything. This is also why I don’t use control+hjkl in Tmux to switch panes based on a direction and opt for the longer and slower means of control+b followed by hjkl.
As hard as it is to hit the \ key before typing a command I still have muscle memory recall doing this.
Even when I remembered that space was leader, my \l alias that does :ls<CR>:b<space> wasn’t firing when I would hit Space l and some other weirdness would happen that I can’t quite get to reproduce reliably and so I’m left unable to describe it.
I tell vim to open directories all the time. I do this if I’m not sure what the file is named and then I can do sub-string or regex matches until I find a likely name and then open it with enter. Imagine my surprise when Neovim shows me an empty pane upon trying to open a directory. Despite that there is an nvtree thing that would be perfect for viewing a directory, I just get a blank pane.
I have NvimTree but neither NvimTreeToggle nor NvimTreeOpen take arguments, so I’m not sure how to replace this. There was a suggestion somewhere to create a complicated function to handle it, but I haven’t gone as far as doing that yet.
I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want the ability to jump straight to a specific character in a line like you can do with f or F nor did I realize how often I use ; to repeat and jump to the next instance, but I certainly noticed when ; was hijacked to do the same thing as :! It’s not for me.
I need to use Neovim a lot more to figure out if it has any features that will make me want to keep it, but I can say it does make for a very pretty interface and some of the plugins are very nice. I’ll be copying my configuration over to my other personal systems pretty soon, so maybe I’ll do a roundup of the plugins I use.
updated: 2023-11-05 12:59:13
generated: 2024-03-07