wrong paths

I made the mistake of not using the correct paths for some files and ended up duplicating some of the files that I should have directly edited. Considering keeping the current world as scratch space and making a new one to be the pristine version where everything is done right, but I’m holding off because that seems naive.

The tutorials had me create a function to display object details but now I think I want every object to be responsible for displaying it’s own details when looked at.

I created a rune stone and a command for marking it, but I think now I need a proper magic system. I’m leaning towards using spell books like Ultima Online did. Then have scrolls get added to the book. Then have one cast command and use the spell book as a means of tracking what spells, costs, etc. But I don’t know if I want to have to worry about material components…






updated: 2024-01-07 11:24:54

generated: 2024-03-07