This document, Revision 0.0.175 αβγ of Red Slip, uses the following Amd64, NetBSD, GNU Emacs, Figlet, Gemini Protocol, Git, Graphviz, Texinfo Tool & Technique.
© Copyright Van Ly 2023–2053
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The news quotes Elon Musk's alternative to OpenAI's chatbot would be
maximum truth-seeking AI that tries to understand the nature of the universe.
+---------------------------------------------------+ | Why am I bad at this? | | | | The wind blew mildly. Out of the hand-bag flew a | | cellophane packet. The owner hurried after it. | | On picking up the object a more precious object | | fell out of the pocket and hit the ground hard. | +---------------------------------------------------+
introductory article to eplain macro package
_____ _ _____ ___ | __| |___ ___ ___ _ _ | __|_ _ ___| _|___ ___ ___ | | | | .'|_ -|_ -| | | |__ | | | _| _| .'| _| -_| |_____|_|__,|___|___|_ | |_____|___|_| |_| |__,|___|___| |___|
The hardware console game ‘Pong’ had direct logic wiring moving the puck without software.
neural circuitry
As if removing the torch igniters from the spacex raptor 2 combustion chamber, what percentage of the software can be removed from the playstation and xbox wireless game controller?
+---------------------------------------------------+ | I just want to like feel him you know I just want | | to catch him and feel his power and you know when | | he when we go to the clinch he used too much | | power I take his head and for moving from there | | he used too much power I feel that you know in | | the clinch I landed a couple of good leads couple | | of good punch and you know this is my plan | | — Islam Makhachev | +---------------------------------------------------+
AI assist
As if butterfly nets that catch words and ideas to compile, assemble and link, the Gemini protocol pages here are an hobby horse digital art project on a quest to discover what a learning thinking machine would be.
Gigawatt AI
AI ought to be
+---------------------------------------------------+ | 90% of ARM work is undoing Intel/x86 assumptions. | | — jeffscience | +---------------------------------------------------+
intellectual pursuits
Or to apply a modern lisp interop c, go, rakudo star implementation of a learning thinking organism staying alive with no brain on the learning evolution timeline but with twenty seven eyes (which see) and many more feelers for to recognise generational gateway attractive procreative partner, existential threat predator and target prey, and to avoid harmful passive objects in the environment (which snag).
functional programming
Are communicative communities of birds and fish with evolved learning brains comparable and how would birds reflect on fish or the other way if they could? Birds and fish transgress the other's domain to prey. There is this story of two chinese in philosophical banter contesting the idea of if fish are happy and how it is to know that they are. There is this other story of a chinese dream about a butterfly with a recursive function alternating on the identity of the butterfly and the human dreaming being the butterfly. The hypervisor supervisor has this potential flit on identity on a chip.
The sperm whale has evolved a waterpolo ball size brain. While sperm whale pods sing they don't have the civilization of humans that create physical objects.
All the object oriented thinking of those involved in the design and manufacture of A350, and the application to ‘Project Sunrise’ are too much to know for any one individual but not AI.
arena storage pool rakudo star implementation detail in vm
metaobject at runtime vm (moarvm)
Alphabet backed Google has created the GPT and TPU. Tesla has commissioned the design of processors for vehicles on roads and fleet management at hubs. SpaceX is building out the Starlink laser comms nextgen low Earth orbit proliferated constellation.
+---------------------------------------------------+ | How hard can it be? | | — Jensen Huang | +---------------------------------------------------+
tree of life
Echoes heard of eight bit programmers spoke of programming ahead of the light beam.
night life
The original Tron movie from 1982 placed a butterfly winged sailing vessel along a light beam.
Echoes heard of high-end high-tech AI programmers from 1982 and earlier spoke of memory, page, meaning and thinking.
Echoes heard from innovative developer whose pioneering team implemented the first fps game defining the category speaks of the perfect point light source in the framebuffer displayed on screen on one pixel which is no longer possible to do at all on call of duty gaming studio productions acquired for seventy five billion dollars. Great observatories are prized for their ever perfecting sensing and the need to interpret received extreme distance traveled signals pushes the ingenuity of design, science and engineering.
degree of accomplishment
Say that one developer has a lease on a quarter-million dollar personal workstation and knocks out a proof of concept demonstrating the perfect point light source in the framebuffer displayed on one pixel on screen. For example on 𝕏 a dream sequence shows a nightside Earth surface on a globe in partial view backgrounded by perfect point light sources in a starfield. How long is the lag for that proof of concept to work on the latest announced most sophisticated portable personal computer ever to be released from apple?
body plan in environment
The M3 Arm derived architecture for the desk has twenty five billion transistors, up five billion since the previous generation, and memory top at 24Gb. The year on year iteration on the apple ipad stylus capabilities confuses the apple customer used to making uncomplicated decisions when buying apple products in which prices go down and capabilities go up; but, buying the ipad stylus is a step far into a mess.
AI assist exploratory music play
Say two teams of five thousand function, as if two halves of brain map function, as if wings of a mountain }electric{ blue butterfly. Say thunderbolt lightning represents commschatter. There are ten thousand points evenly divided by two; colored black and electric blue. Say a distinct note or straight beam of uniform light wavelength represents certainty in agreement among those that perceive it in the cloud chamber of ten thousand indistinct points. The patterns have duplicity and symmetry across the two halves in the main and reactively control collision avoidance, chase, flight or fight. Popularly imagined visions and sounds of futuristic alien technology animate a moving left to right, back and forth pulmunory red slip pulse or polychromatic sparks in a glass translucent vessel indicating active state of mind and electric metal malignant voice or infantile servile sarcastic joker voice.
+---------------------------------------------------+ | Sidenote; The prior paragraph is a word salad if | | visualised internally by a human and AI in their | | respective concept space is far from perfect. | | Say when the human and AI are in unison at | | understanding the paragraph in agreement a | | geometric circularisation occurs in the concept | | space. | +---------------------------------------------------+ | Sidenote; Say there is a first and follow up | | approximation all happening simultaneously | | represented by a grid space of many geometric | | circularisations. | +---------------------------------------------------+ | Sidenote; To learn about a new object the psyche | | probe will adjust circularisation orbits around | | the target in three phases. | +---------------------------------------------------+
when the AI out performs the human or the turing test in other words
+---------------------------------------------------+ | Sidenote; The last question went to adobe with | | postscript experience in which a universal scene | | description language could be put on the bus | | between devices. | +---------------------------------------------------+
two examples of imagined AI onboard spaceships
Does anybody know if SpaceX and Neuralink have a vision and a design direction for the AI onboard Starship?
Does anybody know of a literature survey of all the AI imagined onboard spaceships?
internal representation
Say the cloud chamber has light paths and bubble film rippling sound expansions and contractions, object translation and spin. Echoes heard of the design intent for postscript were that it would be the motherboard for programming as a language. But it became in effect dead and buried from the business mechanic of exlusion not inclusion.
seL4 microkernel supported by genode
historic weapons
A kilonova is an explosion when neutron stars combine and emit gamma rays.
military forum
A high workload on a top line supercom exhausts a half to three quarter capacity simulating the rocket motor burn arriving at mars penetrating the atmosphere before parachute deploy then separation then mars probe sky crane propulsive landing.
price list
Rocks have memory. A question for the AI would be. Explain in four hundred words or less the microsoft failure to execute smartphone strategy, compare and contrast to alphabet's google and apple's phone in which intel is unable to design and develop a new mobile clean sheet energy efficient chip for due to prior leadership having no in industry domain expertise other than back office power politicking over the financial book-keeping of the company. And, were there lessons from the microsoft failure to execute on the music and book publishing strategy that could have informed the smartphone strategy but microsoft was not able to. And, is it true while intel is unable to ship a new chip for the game changing smartphone despite being gifted preferential treatment by Steve Jobs at the very start in which it declined the offer to make one, tesla has shipped two new chips designed from scratch for energy efficient and power intense environments separately since the smartphone was introduced and became the success hardly anyone saw coming. How many executives responsible for the microsoft-intel failure on the smartphone strategy drive quarter-million dollar supersportcars?
Researchers claim firmware on microsoft devices can be tricked to give intruders control. They claim this demonstration on thirty four devices.
The latest firmware update to the Voyager probes widened the fishtail sweep of the antennae attitude pointed at Earth in effort to reduce clutter accumulating in the plumbing by extending the interval between fuel burns.
could a cockroach fall from space and survive
united launch alliance
cell, eyeball, butterfly, ball or telescope diameter along major axis
size object
5μm prokaryotic cell 100μm eukaryotic cell 2in ostrich eyeball 7cm sperm whale eyeball 4.1in mountain blue butterfly wingspan 8.9in waterpolo ball 21.3ft James Webb Space Telescope 1mi b61-13 gravity bomb fireball
+---------------------------------------------------+ | Obviously I can’t see the future, but I don’t | | think your points are particularly true. Knowing | | the people who work there and the slightly | | deranged guy that owns and operates the company, | | I can’t really see them stalling long enough for | | this to be an issue. It would take a catastrophic | | end for Mr musk to separate him from management, | | and he’s the guy that’s the big pusher of this | | program; and at this point, shrinking the vehicle | | isn’t something that will happen. As a general | | statement, new vehicles (and especially new | | SpaceX vehicles) go through a period of explosive | | development, which results in delays from their | | normally ambitious schedule; however, SpaceX in | | particular is known for their extreme | | stubbornness to get things done. A good example | | is the elimination of the torch igniters for the | | Raptor 2 combustion chamber. By the laws of | | physics and thermodynamics, it’s not actually | | possible. Every simulation I’ve (and others) | | have seen tells us you cannot do that; yet SpaceX | | brute forced it until there were no torch | | igniters. The same is true of suicide burn | | landings on the F9, and the decision to land on | | boats, and the whole of the company with Falcon | | 1. Even now, there’s talks about the 3rd | | iteration of Raptor allowing them to further | | expand payload and upper stage margins, with an | | expected max thrust reaching 22M lbf thrust at | | this point. I’d argue it’s more likely starship | | grows in the 10 years minimum to get a new | | telescope. SpaceX’s defining attribute is that | | they will bash their head against the fence until | | they get through, damn the costs, damn the odds, | | and damn the naysayers that try to get in the | | way. From a physics and engineering standpoint, | | Starship is more than possible, but probably | | likely that a vehicle like it will occur soon | | regardless of who does it. And with the DOD and | | NASA actively working with this vehicle for their | | own programs, it’s quite unlikely that it won’t | | be working in 10 years; even in a more limited | | capacity. | | — Accomplished-Crab932 | +---------------------------------------------------+
travel distance clocked onboard 1977 Voyager probes
Simulations have blindspots inferencing the laws of physics and thermodynamics the uncompromising genius effort from first principle can make the impossible truely possible.
United States commercial space
apollo dx program or brickbat priority
two billion dollar offer for rocket launch company
This line is left blank intentionally.
rocket booster parts
Points. (1) The nonspacing vowels and other signs of written Hebrew. (2) A unit of measurement in typography.
The source text to code processing on the moarvm is represented by node and link sets. Moarvm is register based as distinct from two popular vm which are stack based. The Alphabet backed go programming language does not use vm.
Two books on vm.
The Unicode point hexadecimal 56DE represents time, turn, return and looks like a frame within the mainframe. (Codepoints 9A6C 5DE5 7A0B. The three characters conveying the ‘The Marxist Project’ look like the ‘Trojan Horse Head’ inhabited by Communist Party China before the Xi Jinping administration disassembled it and crushed the corrupt elements of useless idiot losers inside defense and banking.)
Codepoint Graph Meaning
56DE 回 time, turn, return 7CFB 系 system; line, link, connection 9A6C 马 equid 5DE5 工 work 7A0B 程 journey 9053 道 path 7406 理 logic 8774 蝴 butterfly 8776 蝶 butterfly 9D6C 鵬 roc 898B 見 see 89D2 角 point 8A00 言 word 6307 指 point 51FA 出 out
Anthropic is backed by Alphabet and Amazon with takeoff on a four billion dollar runway. This is double the amount DeepMind spends to tackle individual game changers, such as,
Game Changers
Four billion dollars is forty billion dollars short of the amount Elon Musk paid for 𝕏. At one point Microsoft's value was four hundred billion dollars short of Apple's.
game-changing young new space rocket launches
year number of launches
2021 31 2022 61 2023 88 + 1 2024 144
Microsoft backs OpenAI. Microsoft has spent thirteen billion dollars on OpenAI, which Elon Musk was instrumental at the founding of and his ideal there then was sabotaged by business interest. Microsoft will pay sixty nine billion dollars to own Activision Blizzard. The price to sell OpenAI is being ballooned at ninety billion dollars.
The entry level ticket price to play AI is quarter-billion dollars said Elon Musk on 𝕏. This was the cost to learn to launch each rocket. The first three failed, of four attempts. SpaceX has since dramatically reduced the cost to launch below sixty million dollars.
FTX Leadership Team
FTX USA spent eight billion dollars of customer funds without change control at early stage. FTX JP customer funds were unaffected as there were regulated change control.
NASA is celebrating 65 years. NASA has not set foot on the moon for 50 years.
Communist Party China
+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Political tension jumped to a very high level in early 2009 | | and remained there until late 2014, when the party held its | | 4th Plenum of the 18th Central Committee. This time of | | extremely high political tension overshadowed almost all of | | Hu’s second term (2009–2012) and lasted into Xi’s early | | years. If we follow this picture to periodize Chinese | | politics, Xi’s formal accession to power in late 2012 did | | not mark the beginning of his era. It does not appear to | | have been a significant moment in Chinese politics. There | | was fierce political infighting before he took power and it | | simply continued regardless of Xi emerging as the new boss. | | — Lin Le | +-------------------------------------------------------------+
Size of economy
military figures
minor military conflicts